Thermal protoneutron stars with hyperons

来源 :中国物理C | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fliedpig
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The properties of thermal protoneutron star matter including hyperons are investigated in the framework of the relativistic mean field theory (RMFT). In protoneuron star matter, with the increase of the temperature, the critical densities of hyperons decrease, the sequence for appearances of hyperons change, the abundances of hyperons as well as neutrinos increase, and the strong interactions between baryons get weaker. Meanwhile, the abundances of isospin multiple states for nucleons, Σ, and ■ become identical, leading to isospin saturated symmetric matter, respectively. Moreover, if a protoneutron star is born with higher temperature, it is less likely to convert to a black hole. The properties of thermal protoneutron star matter including hyperons are investigated in the framework of the relativistic mean field theory (RMFT). In protoneuron star matter, with the increase of the temperature, the critical densities of hyperons decrease, the sequence for appearances of hyperons change , the abundances of hyperons as well as neutrinos increase, and the strong interactions between baryons get weaker. Meanwhile, the abundances of isospin multiple states for nucleons, Σ, and ■ become identical, leading to isospin saturated symmetric matter, respectively. Moreover, if a protoneutron star is born with higher temperature, it is less likely to convert to a black hole.
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