Variable dimensional state space based global path planning for mobile robot

来源 :Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wryktt
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A variable dimensional state space(VDSS) has been proposed to improve the re-planning time when the robotic systems operate in large unknown environments.VDSS is constructed by uniforming lattice state space and grid state space.In VDSS,the lattice state space is only used to construct search space in the local area which is a small circle area near the robot,and grid state space elsewhere.We have tested VDSS with up to 80 indoor and outdoor maps in simulation and on segbot robot platform.Through the simulation and segbot robot experiments,it shows that exploring on VDSS is significantly faster than exploring on lattice state space by Anytime Dynamic A*(AD*) planner and VDSS is feasible to be used on robotic systems. A variable dimensional state space (VDSS) has been proposed to improve the re-planning time when the robotic systems operate in large unknown environments. VDSS is constructed by uniforming lattice state space and grid state space. In VDSS, the lattice state space is only used to construct search space in the local area which is a small circle area near the robot, and grid state space elsewhere. We have tested VDSS with up to 80 indoor and outdoor maps in simulation and on segbot robot platform. Through the simulation and segbot robot experiments, it shows that exploring on VDSS is significantly faster than exploring on lattice state space by Anytime Dynamic A * (AD *) planner and VDSS is feasible to be used on robotic systems.
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摘要:初中化学学科教学中,教师可以组织开展以问题为导向的教学活动,让学生能够在问题的启发引导下,高效地组织化学学科知识,掌握化学学科的基本内在规律,让化学问题作为其中的核心和要点,让每一个初中学生内在的好奇心被充分地激发和释放,显著提高他们学习的主动性和收获感,从而形成学习方面的积极正向循环。  关键词:初中化学;问题导向;化学教学  中图分类号:G633.8文献标识码:A文章编号:1992-77