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  When we meet strangers for the first time, we usually get a vague sense of what kind of person they are by the way they shake hands, talk, or walk. In the age of social networking, however, the first impressions are sometimes made even before we actually meet someone in person—that is, by looking at his/her profile photo.
  According to a recent study, these social images say a lot about our personality. In the study, presented in a paper at the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, a group of researchers from the University of Pennsylvania in the US used software to analyze the profile pictures of 66,000 users of US social platform Twitter and 3,200 of their tweets. At the same time, about 434 participants were asked to complete a survey about their personality type. The researchers wanted to find out if there was a connection between personality traits—like openness, extroversion, and neuroticism—and a persons profile picture.
  According to the results, open people are more likely to pose in an unusual way and use objects such as glasses or a guitar in their profile photos because they enjoy new and exciting experiences. Meanwhile, neurotic(神經质的) people often hold back their negative emotions. They try to avoid showing their faces. Instead, they use an image of something like a pet, a car or a building. Thats because neurotic people are strongly influenced by the “strong social norms(规范) against a very sad or angry appearance in profile pictures,” Daniel Preoiuc?Pietro from the University of Pennsylvania wrote in the research paper.
  Apart from the objects in profile pictures, the colors used in them also give us some hints about the photos owner. For example, extraverts were found to have the most colorful profile images, as they want to emphasize their personality and show themselves off, the researchers wrote.
  Although social media photos usually represent an extension of ones self, they also allow a user to shape his or her own personality and idealized view, according to the researchers. So, when choosing a profile photo, maybe we should ask ourselves first what kind of image wed like to convey. After all, first impressions always last.
法国是盛产奢侈的国度,上世纪20年代巴黎约有30万名手工工匠从事高级成衣制作,随着高级定制被成衣时装周替代,全世界穿高级定制服装的女性不到200人,手工坊客户流失严重,工匠数量锐减。就在许多优秀的作坊濒临破产,手艺失传时,香奈儿以胸怀传统与对精致的尊重,在22年里先后买下7座顶级手工坊,不仅把自己带回了上世纪末的法国式奢华,更保存了许多独特工艺,让法国手工艺在7座手工坊中得以重生。     经历住
《鹿鸣》《嘉实》  很多年前,就注意到薛俊华的作品,干净细腻到几无瑕疵,那些花草蔬果,似乎近在身边,又像隔着纱帘,在梦和现实之间。后来又看到国画系师生在用的经典书画临摹范本,竟是薛俊华监制印刷,堪比二玄社了。再后来又看到一些画家展览的海报和画册,设计装帧干净典雅,令人侧目,翻到版权页,原来也出自薛俊华之手。  最近,俊华发来他的《南有乔木》系列,是烟树与飞鸟的组合,状花写树得“迎风带露”之姿,画鸟
让一个产业存活或者繁盛的最好办法,就是让它驻扎在我们的生活里。    不少人一次又一次地向我们提到香云纱——这是一种迄今为止,全世界惟一使用纯植物染料染色的真丝面料,曾经贵比黄金。如今,听说因为种种原因举步维艰,其繁复的手工制作工艺面临失传,甚至有当地媒体的朋友传来信息说,它也许会消失!然而,在品种花色众多的丝绸市场上,号称是“香云纱”的,越来越多,说明市场的供应和需求并不小;同时,制造香云纱、生
诗歌不只是文人墨客的专属,它还为救死扶伤的医护人员带来内心的慰藉。它是医护工作中的润滑剂,是治愈伤痛的良药。  Sam is a fourth?year student at Harvard Medical School, but poetry is still a big part of his life, now with a new teacher, Rafael Campo, who be
那些灯那些光    “天佑”的主人曹学镇是土生土长的成都人。当过兵,卖过衣服。8年前,一个宁静的夜晚,想到不可知的将来,他的思绪像风中坠落的纸鸢,下沉,下沉。没来由地。他想起童年时代自己做的—个纸灯笼。  那个纸灯笼他一直珍藏着。已经泛黄、斑驳不堪了。曹学镇落寞的少年时光全附注在这纸灯上面。它像老朋友一样,愿意聆听分享,愿意付出代价,愿意陪他慢慢长大。纸灯所负载的情愫,竟让他激动得热泪盈眶。  手
六月的中国北方版图上,出现了一道漂亮的弧线。15辆BMW组成的“中国文化之旅”车队,历时12天,从北京出发,途经河北、山西、陕西,最终抵达甘肃敦煌。作为车队的一员,笔者车行一路,为中国文化遗产的濒危现状而忧。作为我国传统文化的重要组成部分,当下的非物质文化遗产保护工作应该进行阶段性反思。  自2006年,国家第一批非物质文化遗产目录公布以来,各地以申报工作为主线,以普查为基础,进行了大量的工作。但
手工业者还停留在个体的工艺与传承的时候,她已经开始设计一个“城”,囊括天下所有手工业态与创意,实现传统手工业的转型与新生。    青砖、古瓦、苍苔,远远的有狗叫鸡鸣,静心聆听,你还可以听到剪刀划过布匹的撕裂、锤落石阶的叮当、揉捏泥土的呢喃……这是一个什么样的梦境之地?好像可以穿越时空,任意出入过去与未来所有手工生活的意境。  这是忻苹的梦。  但这也许不仅仅是梦。            需要梦想的
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《哈利·波特》系列小说作者、英国作家J.K.罗琳的新作The Ickabog是一本儿童读物,从2020年5月26日至7月10日提供在线免费阅读,每周一至周五更新,每天更新一章,共计34个章节。这本新书为因新冠疫情而不得不待在家中的兒童及其家人带来快乐。  Harry Potter fans of all ages now have the chance to find out what it wo