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  【Abstract】To some extent, subject of educational policy value choice deviate society expect problems, mainly in the main body of educational policy “fair in light of value choice and social equity in education requirements have increased the gap.” As an applied science, social policy research on social welfare contains strong value.
  【Key words】Higher Education; Fairness; Social Policy
  Since the new period, especially the ten years at the end of the last century, Chinese higher education has made the development achievement which attracts the people’s attention. And there are three aspects of the development momentum that most people commend. The first is accelerating the popularization of higher education.
  Since 1999, the higher education of our country has entered a period of rapid development. In 2002, higher education gross enrollment rate in our country was 15070, indicating our country is to realize the popularization of higher education. In 2010 the higher education gross enrollment rate was 26.5070, indicating the popularization of higher education achieve further deep degree. The second is continuously improvement of the quality of higher education. Since the 90’s of last century, higher education management department is mainly taking two measures to strengthen the quality control of higher education. One is the implementation of key development strategy, focused on building a high level university;under its impetus to our higher education level rapidly overtake century level. Two is to implement “five years turn” of higher education quality evaluation system of higher education quafity, and the implementation of the standardization of control. Three is deepening the reform of higher education system. On one hand, the government gradually change function, advance government school separately and continues to implement and expand the school running autonomy of higher schools. On the other hand, accelerate the improvement of Chinese characteristics of modern university system construction and perfect the corporate governance structure of higher schools. In order to ensure the sustained, healthy development of higher education, our government attaches great importance to the construction of long-term policy of higher education. So far, we have formed a relatively complete system of policy of higher education. China’s higher education policy system mainly includes:“general policy” and “guiding specific areas of policy” in two aspects. In July 2002, the state promulgated the “national medium and long-term educational reform and development program” (2010-2020 years), hereinafter referred to as “educational program”, in order to further deepen the reform of higher education system and perfect the higher education policies system laid the foundation for development policy, target, and task and working key. In June 2012, the national Ministry of Education issued “the national education development in Twelfth Five Year Plan”, to determine the”12th Five-Year Plan”, the education development guiding ideology, main goal and basic train of thought. Put forward to move or retreat to implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and strategy of talent powerful nation, promote the priority of education development, scientific development, make education more in line with the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics on the need of talent training, more in line with the broad masses of the people on the educational expectations, more in line with the trend of the times. More than two programmatic documents for the future development of education in China pointed out the development. However, while the rapid development of China’s higher education development process, there are still some aspects that are not just as one wishes. From the perspective of social policy research, there have four aspects:one is more prominent with the “college entrance examination” related higher education fair starting point problem. The second is the difficult problem of employment of College students. The third is the financial difficulties student’s higher education rights. The fourth is the private higher education and higher education of social organization development slow problem. The development of higher education in China is the short board at the higher education policy, the imbalance between equity and efficiency problem. Others have pointed out that:“the masses of our people to education equity and efficiency conditions of satisfaction are not high. One of the reasons lies in the education policy did not handle the relationship with good equity and efficiency. After more than half a century of development, policy studies has become the subject of social guiding principle is relatively narrow and “education plan” period (2010-2020 years) for the strategic goal more broadly, between the two logical confusion.
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【摘要】在全球化的大背景之下,英语的重要性日趋凸显。在中学英语教育中,为取得良好的教学效果,应采取多种教学手段,其中建构主义视角下的教学思想和教学手段,为我们中学英语教育提供了不一样的视角。在建构主义视角下的中学英语教学,应该充分发挥学生的主体作用,充分发挥教师的主导作用,同时,还要积极采取建构主义视角下的一些具体的学习策略。只有这样,我们才能真正的提高我们的英语水平。  【关键词】中学英语 建构
【摘要】在英语教学改革发展的今天,依托现代技术发展等诸多条件,我们有了新的教学手段和教学模式去促进教学。但是,在英语教学中,教师进行教学反思仍然不失为一种有效的手段,仍然有其独特的魅力。教学反思是教学的延续,是在教学改革中优化课堂教学、提高教学质量、实现教师可持续发展的重要举措,是教师成长的阶梯。  【关键词】教学反思 英语教学  有两个美国科学家做过一个有趣的实验。他们在两个玻璃瓶里各装进5只苍
【摘要】大学英语教学不仅要求学生掌握语言知识和技能,也要培养学生的跨文化交际能力。然而一直以来,大学英语教材过多宣扬英美文化,中国文化内容缺失。本文通过选取两册大学英语教材,分析中国文化在大学英语教材中融入的现状,探讨大学英语教学中融入中国文化的必要性。  【关键词】大学英语教材 中国文化 跨文化交际能力  一、分析中国文化在大学英语教材中的配置  教材是教与学的中介,语言教学离不开文化教学。在全
【摘要】目前初中英语教学研究呈现良好发展态势,但与此同时初中英语课程改革也面临着一些问题。根据初中英语课堂教学的现状和课程改革中遇到的问题,本文对初中英语的课堂教学模式进行探索,旨在打造初中英语高效课堂,以进一步提高初中英语学科的教育教学。  【关键词】课程改革 高效课堂 “一二四”教学模式  一、引言  打造高效课堂,提高课堂教学效率,是提高教学质量的中心环节。课堂教学是师生互动、师师互动、生生
【摘要】对社区居民开展各类教育培训,提高其素质,是当前社区教育中心(成人教育中心校)的一项重要而迫切任务。在现代信息化社会背景下,利用现代科技手段实行全开放教育培训,实行理论与实践相结合、单项讲授与师生互动结合、传统培训手段与现代教学手段结合的“三个结合”,是提高社区教育培训质量的有效途径。  【关键词】理论与实践 讲授与互动 传统与现代  随着社会主义新农村建设和小城镇化建设速度的加快,对社区居
【摘要】随着新课改的不断深入,很多的高中,对于英语教学都不断进行了创新,提高英语教学的质量,增强学生的英语学习兴趣,很多的教师在长期的实践中发现了导学案教学法,该方法由于对于教学质量的提高有十分显著的作用,所以在高中的英语阅读教学中被广泛的使用,大幅提高了高中英语阅读教学的质量和效率。所以本文针对导学案教学法在高中英语阅读教学中的应用进行分析,期许能够为日常教学工作提供有价值的参考。  【关键词】
【Abstract】With the development of postmodernism, the post-modern film quickly broke into the people’s spiritual world. This article attempts to take “Life of Pi” as an example to analyze the postmoder
【摘要】本文以南京师范大学出版教材《英语II》Unit 14 Sports Activities一节阅读课为例,介绍了笔者在英语阅读教学中通过创设情境,激发学生的阅读兴趣,指导阅读方法,培养阅读技能的尝试,并阐述了情境创设的策略。  【关键词】情境教学 英语阅读课 情境创设策略  阅读教学是英语教学的核心和关键。英语新课标要求:在阅读教学中,教师要通过创设贴近学生生活实际的各种情境,采用强调过程与