
来源 :中国港口 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zuaixin2
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我国的港口作为发展国民经济的基础性设施,在近20年来为推动改革开放政策的实施和经济快速发展发挥了巨大的作用。港口建设资金由预算拨款逐步改变为“拨改贷”,到财务包干的“以港养港”和贷款建设的体制。上述投资体制的变化,有益于提高资金的效益。但是,从资金运用的角度,港口建设投资大,投资回收期长,全部投资的盈利能力一般低于社会资本成本。因此,如无政策性扶植,资金一般不会投向港口建设或表现为港口无还贷能力(个别货种泊位例外)。我国港口正面临因建设资金困扰而难以形成良性循环的发展阶段。市场经济发育成熟国家,政府对港口建设资金采取的政策性扶植办法,可作为我们制订政策时参考。本文简要介绍日本和美国港口建设资金及财务系统情况。 As the basic infrastructure for the development of the national economy, our port has played an important role in promoting the implementation of the reform and opening up policy and the rapid economic development in the past 20 years. The capital of port construction gradually changed from budget appropriation to “credit reform”, and to the system of “harboring Hong Kong by port” and building loans. The above changes in the investment system are conducive to raising the financial efficiency. However, from the perspective of capital utilization, port construction has a large investment and long payback period, and the profitability of all investments is generally lower than the cost of social capital. Therefore, without policy support, the funds will generally not be invested in the construction of the port or appear as the port’s ability to repay the loan (exception of individual cargo berths). The port of our country is facing the developmental stage that it is difficult to form a virtuous cycle because of the troubled funds for construction. Market-oriented economy developed countries, the government to port construction funds to take the policy of building measures, can be used as a reference when we formulate policies. This article briefly introduces Japan and the United States port construction funds and financial system.
长期以来,出境旅游一直是国内外旅游管理学界研究的热点。本文在对我国出境旅游发展现状阐述的基础上分析了其存在的问题,并提出了相应的建议。 For a long time, outbound
目的探讨急性心肌梗死(AMI)并发脑梗死的诊断与治疗。方法于1996年6月至2006年6月,共收治 AMI 264例,其中14例并发脑梗死,分析 AMI 并发脑梗死的发生、诊治及预后。结果本组8
开展国际中转箱运输是确立国际航运中心重要标志之一。 日前,就我国沿海大多数港口而言,仍然只是亚洲地区一些港口的喂给港。以上海港为例,1995年国际集装箱吞吐量153万标箱