A Statistical Analysis on Papers and Authors in Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences in 200

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenshuae9o
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The author of this article counts and analyzes the papers and authors printed in 2003 Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences by means of bibliometric statistical methods, of which the characteristics of papers and authors are expounded.The result shows that the ratio of reprinting of this journal has been increased and the areas where the authors come from and their organization scattered in the whole world are widened as well, which implies a better-known fame of the journal. The author of this article counts and analyzes the papers and authors printed in 2003 Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences by means of bibliometric statistical methods, of which the characteristics of papers and authors are expounded. The result shows that the ratio of reprinting of this journal has been increased and the areas where the authors come from and their organization scattered in the whole world are widened as well, which implies a better-known fame of the journal.
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