提高素质 热情服务——淮委科技管理工作的体会

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科技管理工作是科教外事处主要职能之一,其工作内容是:编制淮委科技发展规划;制定科技管理办法;水利部科技开发基金项目和淮委科技发展基金项目的管理;组织委内重大科技成果的鉴定、评审、奖励、交流以及负责标准化工作的管理等。工作的技术性比较强,既相当重要,也非常烦琐。这就要求科技管理工作者必须有较深、较广的业务专业知识,还要有较灵活的管理技能,更要有为广大科技人员热情服务的态度。我们在多年的科技管理工作中有以下几点体会; 一、科技管理工作者必须具备业务面广、知识面宽的特点,才能更好地适应工作。这就使我们认识到必须先加强自身建设,提高业务和科技管理水平,才能更好地做好工作。除了水利建设有关专业的一些基本知识外,还要在科技管理具体工作中虚心向有关专业的内行请教,学习一些新的专业知识,这样,既完成了科技管理应做的工作程序,也扩大了我们的业务知识面。近三年来经过我们预审鉴定的各种专业科技成果二十八项;申请获得部、委科技进步奖奖励项目二十项;申请批准的水利部科技开发基金以及淮委科技发展基金的项目有十八项。由于预审工作 Scientific and technological management is one of the main functions of the science and education foreign affairs department. The contents of the work include: formulating the science and technology development plan of the Huai appoint; formulating scientific and technological management measures; managing the science and technology development fund of the Ministry of Water Resources and the science and technology development fund project of the Huaibei Committee; Appraisal, evaluation, reward, communication and management of standardization work. The technical work is relatively strong, both very important and very cumbersome. This requires that science and technology management workers must have deeper and broader professional knowledge of the business, more flexible management skills, and a more enthusiastic attitude toward the service of science and technology personnel. We have many experience in science and technology management in the following points: First, science and technology management workers must have a wide range of business, wide range of knowledge, in order to better adapt to work. This has enabled us to realize that we must first strengthen ourselves and improve our management of science, technology and technology so that we can do a better job. In addition to some basic knowledge of water conservancy construction related professional, but also in the specific work of science and technology management, humbly ask the experts concerned experts to learn some new professional knowledge, so that not only completed the work of science and technology management procedures, but also expanded Our business knowledge. In the past three years, we have passed 28 projects of various professional scientific and technological achievements appraised in our pre-trial; applied for the award of 20 projects of scientific and technological progress awards of Ministry of Science and Technology; projects approved by Ministry of Water Resources Science and Technology Development Fund and Huai Science and Technology Development Fund have 10 Eight. Due to pre-trial work
:1 993~ 1 996年连续 4年对豫麦 2号、豫麦 4 1号、豫麦 54号等 1 2个小麦品种小麦纹枯病抗性和产量损失测定结果表明 :所推广各品种中没有免疫或高抗品种 ,都存在不同程度的
本发明用于采矿工业中井下火灾的隔离。 已报道的井下火灾扑灭方法,主要的是在火灾地区通入惰性气体。这种方法的缺点 The invention is used for the isolation of downhol
狗牙根作为草坪草经济价值极佳 ,极具推广价值 ,但枯黄期过长限制了狗牙根在气候过渡区的使用。本文从品种、管理 (包括施肥、覆盖 )及环境因子对狗牙根提高抗寒性、延长青绿