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广西南丹发生的“7·17”特大事故,让人不寒而栗。虽然此事已不是新闻,但“事故”背后的“故事”却能带给我们更多的思考。“7·17”事故发生后,地方政府一些官员与矿主相互勾结,采取非法手段,隐瞒事故真相、封锁消息达半月之久。8月30日,对南丹“7·17”特大事故负有瞒报责任的当地几个官员,已经法定程序作出了处置:原县委书记万瑞忠被罢免第九届广西壮族自治区人民代表资格,唐毓盛被罢免南丹县县长职务。被罢免职务的官员还有南丹县副县长韦学光。以上三人连同县委副书记莫壮龙,已被宣布分别免除党内职务和停止行政职务。目前,该四人以“涉嫌玩忽职守罪”与相关的一批涉嫌人员被立案侦察。草菅人命的矿老板为何如此嚣张,地方父母官又为何会如此漠视百姓性命助纣为虐?失职、渎职、权钱交易?可见,官员的一切腐败行为,都是人民的灾难。血的教训再次告诫我们,共产党人要从人民的利益出发、代表最广大人民的根本要求不是一句空话。我们每一个共产党员都应踏踏实实地把“三个代表”的要求落实到自己的行动中去。 Guangxi Nandan “7.17” major accident, people shudder. Although this is no news, the “story” behind “accident” can give us more thought. After the “7.17” incident, some officials of local governments colluded with the miners and took illegal measures to conceal the truth of the accident and to block the news for about half a month. On August 30, several local officials with concealed responsibility for the extraordinary incident on July 17 in Nandan have been ruled out by legal procedures: Wan Ruizhong, former secretary of the county party committee, was disqualified from being elected as the People’s Representative of the 9th Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region , Tang Yusheng was dismissed as Nandan County Magistrate. Officials who were dismissed as well as Wei County, deputy head of Nandan County. The above three people, together with Mo Zhuanglong, deputy secretary of the county party committee, have been declared exempt from their positions within the party and ceased to hold administrative positions. At present, the four people have been filing the case with a group of suspected suspects on “suspected dereliction of duty”. Why is it so rampant grass-roots mining boss, local parents and why so ignoring the lives of people help to abuse? Dereliction of duty, dereliction of duty, the power of money transactions? It can be seen that all officials’ corrupt behavior is a disaster for the people. The lesson of blood once again warned us that it is not an empty talk that the Communists must proceed from the interests of the people and represent the fundamental demands of the overwhelming majority of the people. Each of our Party members should earnestly implement the requirements of the “three represents” in their own actions.
本期邀请的三位嘉宾年龄不同,国籍各异,我希望他们的讨论会为读者带来更广的视野、更多的角度。 Alex(中)出生在巴西,但在美国长大,他的父母是中国人,所以他能够讲一点普通话
井水如无人取用,将变为死水或枯井,只有人们不断地汲取,井水自身才会干冽纯净。赵戬正是按照这一理念从事她的日常工作。 Well water, such as no one access, will become