Research on Trados—based Intensified and Synergistic Local Tourism Culture Translation Project Manag

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  【Abstract】Diversification of translators features tourism translation. But SDL Trados Studio as the best choice of improving translation efficiency of professional local tourism culture projects strictly restricts the access of the translators because of the complexity of the operation. This thesis focusing on this paradox between efficiency and compatibility introduces a creative method which puts SDL Trados to good use to increase the translation efficiency and simultaneously achieves the easy access of the translators to the Trados-based project, accomplishing the local tourism culture translation project management Intensified and synergistic.
  【Key words】Tourism Translation; Translation Project; Intensified and synergistic; Diversification of Translators; SDL Trados
  1. The analysis of SDL Trados Studio’s Hard Accessibility
  Although SDL Trados Studio is powerful in its all-round translation assisted functions, it does not yet provide an effective tool to liberate translators who use it from the inlaid heavy translation platform, as the most valuable part which is also inlaid is its Translation Memory(TM), by taking advantage of which, high translation efficiency is achieved. As a result, the whole project is restricted to the platform, although its newly alleviator- External Review Function-makes MS word documents’ Export and Import available, it still makes the translating and reviewing work strictly confined to the software-allowed space and special characters which is another new obstacle for translators and reviser who are not quite familiar with SDL Trados Studio to handle.
  Therefore, a lot of professional translators and translation experts who are CAT software excluders refuse to participate the project because of its expensiveness and sophistication which quite distract them from translating and translations. On the other hand, The TM inlaid is an empty corpus, which could be filled when the translating work is being done on Trados translation platform. Unless the linguistic materials in it are abundant enough to provide more and more reference translations, translating could become more and more efficient with less and less even none Repetitive jobs. However, this mechanism’s effectiveness could be seen obviously in the Trados-based technical and professional text materials translating work but hardly in the literary translating ( Accordingly, the more materials in the corpus, the more helpful the TM is for the translating, however, SDL does not provide any method to fill the corpus massively and efficiently and the software is short of any tool of assisting doing this job, which makes flash-reference translations an expectation or even a dream.   This hard accessibility prevent more and more translators of different locations, of different qualifications and of various professions from taking part in the Chengde Chinese-English Translation Project if SDL Trados Studio is used. However, without using it, efficient and quality translation project management could hardly be accomplished. As a result, how to handle the Paradox and the dilemma between the software and translators becomes the key to the success of Trados-based Intensified and Synergistic Chengde Tourism Culture Translation Project.
  2. MS-Excel: The key to the paradox and dilemma
  Making the best of the TM and the Studio’s Translation project management function and simultaneously, liberating translation company professionals and the diversified qualified individual translators who are or choose to be CAT illiterate from the inlaid heavy translation platform, focusing on the translating and translations without any distracting factors, can balance the huge translation projects’ efficiency and quality. And MS Excel is the balance.
  Step 1: Task Assignment in assistance with Trados and MS Excel
  we create a new translation project in SDL Trados Studio by importing the files, making settings, mounting its TM, and running its automatic pre-translation engine, through which we get statistic data of the originals and the pre-translation file with reference translations from the TM, choosing“File Format Converter” in “OpenExchange” converting the file into *.xls(x) of MS Excel within which translation tasks with reference translations from the TM are assigned.
  Step2: Translating, Revising and handling in MS Excel
  We make diversified translations and numerous revisions sequently within the same Excel file, respectively by qualified translators’ translating from different locations, professions, and prospections referring to the references from Trados’ TM and/or other translating tools(paper dictionaries, e-dictionaries etc. whatever they like) and by senior translation professionals’ revising from different locations, professions, and expectations with advices, suggestions or comments in Excel unlimited Columns. After translations is hammered, we only keep column A and column B in Excel with originals and final translations respectively and input”=""
【摘要】党的十八大报告指出:“要把立德树人作为教育的根本任务”。因此,教育不仅要“增智”还要“育德”;教师不仅要“上好一堂课”,还要“培养好一个人”。本文以新英语课程标准为出发点,以学生为主体,以课本为载体,探讨英语教学中立德树人意识引导教育。  【关键词】立德树人 英语 学科教育  前言  党的十八大报告以及十八届三中全会都明确指出:“要把立德树人作为教育的根本任务,培养德智体美全面发展的社会主
闹铃发出嗡嗡声,打断了莎伦的睡梦。她晕晕乎乎地伸出手,闹钟碰倒了,嗡嗡声停了一下,又响了起来。唉,不是闹铃,是电话。莎伦的手又伸向电话,同时瞥了一眼闹钟。都后半夜了?见鬼,谁会在这个时候打电话?  “唔……”她咳嗽了一下,“喂?”  “莎伦?是你吗?”  “哪位?”  “是我,宝贝儿,你失落的爱。还记得我吗?还记得我的声音吗?”  “听着,我不知道你在说什么——”旋即她知道了,这是个梦而已,昨晚多
【摘要】本文通过对当前大学英语语音学习不足之处的分析,找到当前大学英语语音学习者面对的困难,从而提出如何利用智能手机APP英语学习应用程序来辅助大学英语教师课堂教学,进一步帮助大学英语学习者克服语音学习障碍,达到大学英语语音教学的目标。  【关键词】大学英语 语音教学 手机APP应用程序  为了能够契合教育信息化时代高速发展的要求,大学英语教学改革的步伐越迈越大,网络环境下的教学新模式层出不穷,但
【Abstract】This article offers a critical review of the existing evaluation of The Good Earth, both its English original and the Chinese translation, through which the reception of the novel is examine
当下现象  许多一线教师发现,随着年级的升高,越来越多的学生不愿意在课堂中表达,口头表达如此,书面表达更是勉为其难。所以,随着年级的升高,许多学生写作热情逐渐下降,直至对写作产生畏惧情绪。  思考与分析  是学生不想表达吗?不是的。通过调查,发现,低年级的学生普遍有表达的欲望的。只是随年级的增高,学生表达的水平没有像一线老师期望的那样提升,渐渐地,他们怀疑自己的表达水平,渐渐地他们也丧失了表达的勇
【摘要】英语阅读教学是各大专院校最主要的课程之一,然而在阅读教学的方法上,传统的语法翻译法已经越来越不适应现代社会发展的需要。本文结合我校大学英语阅读教学的个案研究实践,试图探究ATE阅读模式在大学英语阅读教学中的运用。  【关键词】ATE阅读模式 大学英语阅读  一、问题的提出  在语言学习的四项基本技能中,阅读作为语言输入方式,是语言学习的基本保证。即使在现阶段强调的以“听、说为主”的大学英语
【摘要】在跨文化交际时,翻译的重要性尤为突出。能否准确把握源语言并用目标语言清晰无误地表达是判断翻译水平高低的重要衡量标准。译文若不能准确传达源语言所要表达的含义,就会造成不必要的误解和疑惑。本文以安徽博物院英文语音导览词为例,讨论了在跨文化语境中解词翻译需要注意的问题和翻译策略。  【关键词】跨文化 导览词 翻译理论 翻译实践  一、引言  中国各地的博物院是外国人了解中国文化的有效窗口,其中系
【摘要】传统的英语课堂多强调让学生记和背,这就让课堂变得沉闷,造成了很多聋子英语和哑巴英语。客观地说英语是活的语言,我们学习的目的就是为了交流,所以我们在课堂上就应该以交流应用为目的进行开放性课堂设置。本文结合新课改生本思想分享几点高中英语课堂时效提升心得。  【关键词】高中英语 开放 阅读 交流 任务驱动  课下我们这些英语一线教师总会接到许多学生反馈说高中英语内容多,不好学,记不住。经过大家一
【摘要】本文结合2015年《政府工作报告》,从功能对等的角度探讨了相关政治文本在句法层面的翻译策略,例如添加主语、转化、语态转换等。  【关键词】功能对等 政府工作报告 翻译策略  一、引言  在当今和平与发展的主流引导下,我国正逐步加强对外的沟通联系,“走出去”成为我国当今重要的外交策略之一。在走出去的过程中,越来越多的政治类文体出现在翻译领域,政治文本的翻译质量对于我国政治宣传具有极大的重要性
【摘要】大学英语作为高校课程的一个重要组成部门,其所具有的授课学时长、授课时限长等特点,导致传统的教学方法在英语教学中越来越吃力。而混合式教学因其能够将传统教学和网络教学的优势兼而有之,因此将混合式教学运用到大学英语教学中会明显提升英语教学效果。本文以贺州学院的混合式英语教学为研究对象,通过问卷调查的方法分析了贺州学院开展混合式英语教学进行了实证研究,并给出了比较有针对性的建议。  【关键词】混合