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胡锦涛:弘扬长征精神开创社会主义建设新局面纪念红军长征胜利,就是要激励全党全军全国各族人民在中国特色社会主义道路上继续奋勇前进。继承和发扬红军长征的光荣革命传统,就要大力推进马克思主义中国化,不断开拓马克思主义在当代中国发展的新境界;就要大力弘扬革命理想高于天 Hu Jintao: Carrying Forward the Spirit of the Long March and Creating a New Situation in the Building of Socialism To commemorate the victory of the Long March of the Red Army, we should encourage the entire party and the people of all nationalities throughout the country to continue to make courageous moves along the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. To inherit and carry forward the glorious revolutionary tradition of the Long March of the Red Army, we must vigorously promote the sinicization of Marxism and continuously open up a new realm of the development of Marxism in contemporary China. We must vigorously carry forward the revolutionary ideal above heaven
Objective: To explore the protective effects of Tibetan medicine Zuo-Mu-A Decoction(佐木阿汤, ZMAD) on the blood parameters and myocardium of high altitude poly
S-Adenosyl-L-methionine(SAM) is a cofactor serving as a methyl donor in numerous enzymatic reactions. It has been reported that SAM has the potential to modify
病例 患儿,男,3天,于2001年6月3日入院,患儿系第2胎,第2产,足月顺产,产程较急,出生体重4000 g,生后无窒息,哭声响亮。三天后出现呼吸困难,颜面口周发绀,伴有烦燥,偶尔有干咳
继富利卡超豪华自排型多功能轻型客车——“RV王”(简称富利卡“RV 王”)7月底上市后,东南汽车公司8月中旬又正式上市了一款名为“生活家”的富利卡经济型多功能轻型客车(简
大切诺基是 Jeep 系列的顶级产品、世界级豪华 SUV,这种车型上的电器系统设计与传统的电路控制设计相比完全不同。大切诺基的主要使用功能是通过相应的电脑模块控制实现的。