Reflections on the Improvement Strategies of Reading Teaching in Senior High School English

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  Learning high school English is crucial. It not only helps to improve one’s English performance, but also helps to adapt to the development of a globalized society. It is more conducive to the students going abroad for further studies and improving their overall quality. To a certain extent, it can also be applied to foreign countries. People introduce traditional Chinese culture. Most of the teaching of English reading is based on traditional teaching methods. Duckling education is rigid and rigid. As a result, teaching efficiency is reduced, students’ results are not ideal, and excellent results are not obtained. This article finds out the problems existing in current English reading education and finds effective ways to solve problems. This helps students improve their English reading performance, improve students’ overall performance, improve teaching quality, change the traditional teaching model, and implement new curriculum standards. The request.
  I. Disadvantages in Current High School English Reading Teaching
  (1) The English reading teaching model is rigid and boring
  English reading is very boring for non-English-speaking students. This requires teachers to increase teaching interest from the classroom and inspire the students’ enthusiasm for learning. However, due to the short period of 45 minutes in the classroom, teachers must teach reading knowledge in this short period of time. Therefore, they will have a quick-motivational mentality. They will lead the classmates to recognize the words while explaining the words, but they are required by the new curriculum. The next should be to let the students look for words, and then to explain reading, which is more conducive to students understand the text and strengthen the mastery. However, the current situation of education in English reading is reversed. This makes it impossible for students to have a preliminary understanding of the text and is not conducive to the students’ solid grasp.
  (2) Students have difficulty reading due to poor understanding of the central idea
  Reading in English is just like reading in Chinese. It is necessary to grasp the central idea of ??the article. Only by grasping the central idea of ??the article can we further understand the content of the article and improve the English reading ability. However, because the students are impetuous, unsteady, and eager for quick success, they do not love reading or even reading, so they cannot grasp the central idea of ??the article or even grasp the central idea. However, most of the reading exercises are detailed topics. Only a few vocabulary analysis and inference questions do not need to grasp the central idea, and the key to grasping the thinking of the reading center can be seen. English teachers should also improve their ability to grasp the central idea, so that it is conducive to the development of teaching tasks, improve students’ English performance, and thus improve the overall level of students.   II. Second, some strategies proposed for the current reading situation
  (I) Improve teaching mode and activate classroom atmosphere
  Teachers should pay attention to the order of teaching, guide students to learn and explore independently, and let students actively understand the contents of reading. They can basically grasp the reading vocabulary, understand the analysis of long sentences, and basically grasp the thinking of the reading center. This not only encourages students to be independent. Learning, but also improve the enthusiasm and initiative of students, help students improve their English performance. In the 45 minutes of the class, teachers should make the finishing touches like on-demand, on-demand heavy points, on-demand complex long difficult sentences, help students grasp the subject of the articles, and grasp the correctness of the subject. This will help improve the accuracy of reading questions and allow students to Grasp the articles in the orientation, improve the ability and level of reading, and obtain ideal results. This kind of education model also conforms to the requirements of the new curriculum standard and conforms to the scientific and reasonable teaching model of the new curriculum standard. The traditional teaching model is spoon-feeding and focuses only on results. Instead, it produces a mentality of quick success and instant benefit. It does not pay attention to the process and leads to student mastery. Knowledge is not solid and unstable, resulting in unsatisfactory academic performance. Therefore, we must improve the teaching mode and change the traditional teaching mode. For example, when teaching “MY new teacher” this class, students should be allowed to freely respond to the feelings of the new teacher, allowing students to discuss independently and inspire students’ interest in learning. Another example is Professor “Life in the Future”, which allows students to return to the main body of learning, discuss their plans for the future in English, and improve both English and spoken English.
  (2) Teachers have the responsibility to improve their own level of cultural literacy and reading ability
  Teachers, as guides for classmates, should set an example and give students positive influence. The extent to which students love English reading depends to a certain extent on their love of English essays. English teachers first need to read more essays themselves. In class, they can use five or six minutes to explain their reading experiences to the students and let them deeply understand that English reading is very interesting. Third, teachers should improve their reading ability. They should make mistakes or even make mistakes. When explaining problems to the students, they can get a sharp and accurate answer. Therefore, the classroom should read more English essays. Improve their English level so that it is possible to win authority in front of classmates. With awe-inspiring sense and pride, students will listen to the teacher and listen to the teacher to improve their reading comprehension and achievement.   (3) Schools should increase investment to enrich the number of reading books in English
  Many students appear to be unable to read, cannot read, and are unwilling to read. The reason is that there is no corresponding English reading background. English reading must have a certain cultural background, master certain Western culture, and understand the typical storyline of the West. Only in this way can students read articles, guide students’ thoughts through relevant books, and establish a correct solution to the problem. Live the central idea of ??the article. In order to achieve this goal, schools should strengthen library construction, increase investment, introduce more English reading related books, read more English reading books, and adjust the proportion of Chinese and English books. Through the school to increase investment in reading books, lead students thinking, lead students to love English reading, take the arduous task of English reading seriously, improve their English performance, and then achieve their goals.
  (4) Strengthen students’ English foundation and increase the practice of English reading
  The foundation of English is very important. The foundation is like the foundation of a house. Only if the foundation is solid, the house can be firm. Students only have a good foundation in English and they are more comfortable with English reading. The English base includes the mastery of words, analysis of long sentences, basic problem solving templates, and ideas. This requires students to increase vocabulary training after school hours, supplement their vocabulary, not only recognize the word, but also learn to dictate the word, of course, will read the word. Because listening, speaking, reading and writing are the four key steps in English learning. Classrooms should increase supervision and supervise students’ daily word memory. The classroom should also take 10 minutes each lesson to explain a long sentence, analyze the grammatical structure of the sentence, and analyze the structure of the sentence. Teachers should also ask students to memorize an English famous quote every day, accumulate these sentences, learn new words from these sentences, and put the new words in a sentence situation. A powerful and specific scene can help students remember words. Of course, the teacher should also tell students how to memorize words, such as root memory, associative memory, and spelling. By memorizing words and increasing the vocabulary of students, students can read more easily, more conveniently, and more quickly. The accuracy of students’ English reading. With English vocabulary basics this is not enough, we should also increase the training of English reading. As the saying goes: “Practice can make perfect”, showing the need for more training. Teachers can take 10 to 15 minutes of time in each class to conduct reading training, exercise the accuracy and speed of the students, and in the case of guaranteeing quality, but also to ensure that the speed is improved to prevent the actual examination from appearing. The phenomenon of incompleteness affects the final score.
  III. in conclusion
  English is an important subject, and it occupies a large proportion in the college entrance examination. Furthermore, learning English is conducive to students mastering another language, making it easier for them to study abroad and to communicate with foreigners. The role of English reading in English learning is very large, and it occupies a large score, which means that English reading should be taken seriously. However, the current status of English education in our country is not perfect, such as the rigid reading teaching model, students’ lack of interest in English reading, and the students’ lack of understanding of the central idea of
【摘要】在体校英语词汇教学中,采用传统的国际音标的语音模式与自然拼读法的教学效果显著不同。本论文通过四个月的教学实验,采用实证研究方法,旨在研究自然拼读法与国际音标两个英语语音教学模式哪个更适合体校生的教学。通过实证研究最后得出结论:自然拼读法比国际音标法更适合体校生的语音教学。  【关键词】自然拼读法;国际音标法;体校生;实证研究  【作者简介】吴静,广西体育运动学校。  一、引言  随着我国体
【摘要】随着新课程改革的不断深化,我国教育领域一直在探索高效、趣味性强的教学模式。英语是我国第二大语言,是现代化社会人才必不可少的基础技能,但现阶段,英语一直是学生学习中较为难攻克的一门学科,在学习过程中存在着诸多的问题与困惑,以至于对英语失去了学习兴趣。本文主要围绕途径“调味”构建趣味中职英语课堂进行了深入的分析与阐述。  【关键词】多途径;趣味性;中职英语;教学策略  【作者简介】胡丽君,浙江
21世纪是科技突飞猛进的世纪,科学技术的发展必将需要综合素质较高的复合型人才。  根据“学以致用”的原则,不但要培养学生的专业知识,还要提高他们的综合素质,使他们成为具有较高英语水平和和英语综合运用能力的新一代大学生。  2004年1月国家教育部颁布的《课程教学要求》,把培养学生的英语综合应用能力, 特别是听说能力,作为新的目标和要求。实践证明,大学英语教学改革取得了一定的成效。但大学英语课堂实际
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【摘要】应用型本科院校的定位决定其课程需以能力本位为主,本研究从商务英语专业的核心课程,翻译课程的实际问题着手,从教学内容、课程设置、师资建设等方面系统地探索应用型本科院校翻译课程的建设,以推动翻译课程教学改革,完善应用型翻译人才的培养模式,促进应用型本科院校商务英语能力本位的其他课程建设研究。  【关键词】应用型本科;商务英语;翻译课程  【作者简介】忻竞(1982.01-),女,浙江宁波人,硕
【摘要】随着军队院校英语教学改革的不断深化,大学英语课时逐渐被压缩,加之学员自主学习时间有限,要在十分有限的教学课时内完成任务重、要求高的英语教学任务, 显然具有一定的挑战性。而课堂是军校进行教学活动的最重要场所,因而提高课堂教学效率就越发重要。笔者在本篇文章中主要分析了目前军校大学英语课堂教学现状,并对如何实现高效课堂教学进行了探究。  【关键词】课堂教学;教学现状;教学方法;课堂效率  【作者
【摘要】随着当今社会的发展,全球化的加速,英语学习显得尤为重要。由于我国是一个农村人口占多数的农业大国,所以,农村初中英语教育的发展在促进我国人民综合素质提高的过程中扮演着举足轻重的角色。而如何促进农村初中英语课堂教学的发展,就成为了初中英语教学所要研究的一个重要课题。  【关键词】农村英语;初中教学;发展现状;解决策略  【作者简介】顾岩,胶州市第十九中学。  目前我国各类学校都把英语学习视为重
【摘要】习近平总书记在全国高校思想政治工作会议上强调,各类课程都要与思想政治理论课同向同行,将 “以德树人”贯穿于教育教学各个环节中。课程思政引入大学英语课堂处于探索阶段,在具体实践过程中难免出现课程思政与大学英语僵化结合的问题。本文认为可从培养教师思政意识、深挖教材思政内涵、选取“情景教学法与“交际教学法”既教法,这三个方面完善课程思政融入大学英语教育的策略。  【关键词】课程思政;大学英语教育