山东省副省长吴爱英同志在全省市县科技工作会议上的讲话(摘要) (1996年4月16日)

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一、“八五”时期全省科技工作基本情况5年来,在省委、省政府的正确领导下,全省科技工作坚持以邓小平同志建设有中国特色社会主义理论和党的基本路线为指导,认真贯彻“依靠、面向”、“攀高峰”的方针,全面实施“科教兴鲁”战略,深化改革,扩大开放,各项工作得到了长足发展,取得了突出的成绩。科技为经济建设服务取得显著成效。“八五”期间,取得重要科技成果1.4万余项,比“七五”增长65%。科技进步对经济增长的贡献率由“七五”末的35%上升到40%。完成了5400多个课题,解决了一大批经济和社会发展中的关键难题,推动了全省经济和社会发展。科技体制改革与对外开放取得实质性时展,科技事业不断发展壮大。全省专业技术队伍发展到240多万人。全省400多家独立科研机构中已有2/3以上人员分别以不同形式进入经济,长入经济。技术贸易 I. Basic Information on Science and Technology Work in Shaanxi Province during the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” During the past five years, under the correct leadership of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, science and technology work throughout the province has insisted on using Comrade Deng Xiaoping's theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and the party's basic line as Guided by and conscientiously implemented the principle of “relying on and facing” and “climbing the peak”, fully implemented the strategy of “rejuvenating science and education through science and education”, deepening reform and opening wider to the outside world, and all work has made great strides and achieved prominence Score. Science and technology have made remarkable achievements in economic construction. During the “85” period, it obtained more than 14,000 important scientific and technological achievements, an increase of 65% over the “75”. The contribution rate of technological progress to economic growth has risen from 35% at the end of the “75” to 40%. Completed over 5,400 tasks, solved a large number of key problems in economic and social development and promoted the province's economic and social development. The reform of science and technology system and the opening up to the outside world have made a substantial current show, and the cause of science and technology continues to grow and develop. The province's professional and technical team has grown to more than 2.4 million. More than two-thirds of the more than 400 independent scientific research institutions in the province have entered the economy in different forms and have entered the economy. Technical trade
小平同志安详而宁静地走了,但他永远活在我们心中。悲痛之中,我们缅怀这位世纪伟人的丰功伟绩和崇高风范,更加怀念他对发展科技事业的谆谆教诲和对科技工作的亲切关怀。 邓
我告诉你在球赛中取得成功的秘密,这就会重新发现一些传统的意大利足球文化的防守方法。 I tell you the secret of success in the game. This will rediscover some of th