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  1. 请说慢一点。Please speak more slowly.
  2. 我们应该少说多做。We should talk little and do much.
  3. 他说他下周回来。He said he would be back next week.
  4. 他们常告诉我他们家乡的情况。They often tell me about their country.
  5. 请重说一遍我的话。Please repeat what I said.
  6. 他说明了他迟到的原因。He explained why he was late.
  7. 我想和他说句话。I want to have a word with him.
  8. 说不定他已经走了。Maybe he has already left.
  9. 这个用英语怎么说?What?蒺s this in English?
  10. 顺便说一下,今晚有场足球赛。By the way,there is a football match this evening.
  11. 那未免说得太轻了。That?蒺s putting it too mildly.
  12. 他父亲说了他一顿。His father gave him a scolding (或talking-to).
  13. 我跟他说不来。I don?蒺t see eye to eye(或get along)with him.
  14. 咱们找他说理去。Let?蒺s go and reason things out with him.
  15. 他也说不上问题在哪儿。He can?蒺t put his finger on what?蒺s wrong.
  16. 他的英语发音还说得过去。His English pronunciation is passable.
  17. 这件事基本上已经说定了。The matter is as good as settled.
  18. 你去给他们说和。Try to patch things up between them.
  19. 说谎是个坏习惯。Lying(或Telling a lie)is a bad habit.
  20. 他老爱说大话。He is always boasting(或talking big).
  21. 说到底,这是一个技术问题。At bottom it is a technical problem.
  22. 相信他,他总是说到做到。Believe him. He always live up to his word (或match his deeds to his word;does what he says).
  23. 找一个跟他说得来的人去动员他。Get someone who is on good terms with him to try and persuade him.
  24. 这个意思可以有两个说法。This idea can be formulated in two different ways.
  25. 那种说法是不对的。That?蒺s a false statement.
  26. 这种说法是完全正确的。This argument is very sound.
  27. 关于那件事各人说法不同。Different people have different versions of the incident.
  28. 要耐心说服他。Talk to him patiently to bring him round.
  29. 她的话很有说服力。Her words are very convincing.
  30. 我已经跟他说好去看足球赛。I?蒺ve arranged to go with him to the football match.
  31. 不要说话不算数。Don?蒺t go back on your word.
  32. 还是让事实来说话。Let the facts speak for themselves.
  33. 我不想听你说教。I don?蒺t want your delivering a sermon.
  34. 这事说来话长了。It?蒺s a long story.
  35. 咱们说死了,六点钟见面。Let?蒺s make it definite:we?蒺ll meet at six o?蒺clock.
  36. 问题已经解决了,没有什么说头了。Now that the problem is solved,nothing remains to be said.
  37. 满屋的人又说又笑,兴高采烈。The room is full of people chatting animatedly and laughing.
  38. 事实充分说明这种做法是正确的。The results show clearly that this procedure is correct.
  39. 图片下面附有说明。There is a caption under the picture.
  40. 俗话说,“吃一堑,长一智。”As the saying goes,“A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit.”
  著书立说write books to expound a theory/说不得unspeakable或scandalous/说长道短make captious comments/说三道四make irresponsible remarks/说东道西chatter away on a variety of things/举例说明illustrate by examples/说明理由give reasons/说明真相give the facts/说情pleade for mercy for sb或intercede for sb/说书storytelling/说妥come to an agreement/说一不二stand by one?蒺s word或mean what one says
Bamboo shoot shell(BSS),a by-product from bamboo shoot processing industries,is a natural resource of cellulose. In this study,high-pressure homogenization assi
对奶奶来说,真正的宝藏不是闪闪发光的金银珠宝,而是珍藏在箱底那或快乐或甜蜜的回忆,是心里无法割舍的怀念与牵绊。 For grandmother, the real treasure is not glitterin