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艺术类中专,常把开设的课程划为两大类,即专业课和文化课。这两类课的课时总数之比为5:3,或3:2不等。美术类附中,大多为1:1。究竟怎样摆正文化课和专业课的位置,怎样看待艺术类学校文化课教学的重要性和特殊性,怎样沟通文化课与专业课教学上的联系,就此谈一点看法。 一、艺术类学校文化课教学的地位和特殊性 目前,我国普通中学开设政治、语文、数学、外语、物理、化学、生物、历史、地理九门课程,分属于社会科学和自然科学两大范畴。这九门课,都有各自特定的教学任务。从提高整个中华民族素质,实施全民义务教育,造就各类人才这一宏观角度来看,这九门课都是基础课。董必武同志在给子女的信中说过,“高中各科都是常识”。艺术类学校概莫能外,也应跟重视专业课一样,摆正文化课的位置。这正如艺术大师潘天寿先生当年所说的“附中专业课和文化课都是基础课,不能偏废,不要用专业课挤掉文化课”一样,不能忽视文化课教学。只不过由于总学时的限制,各类艺术学校取舍有所不同而已。 Art secondary school, often set up courses divided into two categories, namely, professional courses and cultural classes. The total number of class hours in these two classes is 5: 3, or 3: 2. Art class attached, mostly 1: 1. How to put the position of culture class and specialty class exactly, how to treat the importance and particularity of art class culture class teaching, and how to communicate the teaching of culture class and specialty class. At present, there are nine courses in politics, language, mathematics, foreign languages, physics, chemistry, biology, history and geography in ordinary middle schools in our country, belonging to two major categories, social sciences and natural sciences . These nine courses have their own specific teaching tasks. From the macro point of view of improving the quality of the entire Chinese nation, implementing universal compulsory education and bringing up all kinds of talented people, all nine classes are basic courses. Comrade Dong Biwu said in his letter to his children that “high school subjects are common sense.” Art schools can no exception, but also should be the same as the emphasis on professional courses, put the position of cultural studies. This is the same as the master of arts Mr. Pan Tianshou said in the same year that “middle school middle school specialized courses and cultural courses are basic courses, which can not be neglected, and do not squeeze out cultural courses with specialized courses”. We can not neglect the teaching of cultural courses. However, due to the total duration of the restrictions, all kinds of art school choice is different.
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