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2009年1月21日国务院第47次常务会议通过的《旅行社条例》在最近公布,条例将于2009年5月1日起施行,同时1996年10月15日国务院发布的《旅行社管理条例》同时废止。3月18日,国务院法制办公室和国家旅游局在京召开《旅行社条例》新闻发布会,就《旅行社条例》的出台背景、修订的主要内容以及国家旅游局贯彻执行等情况做了说明。1996年,国务院发布了《旅行社管理条例》;2001年,为履行我国加入WTO的承诺,国务院对《旅行社管理条例》进行了适应性修订,增加了“外商投资旅行社的特别规定”一章。这次公布的《旅行社条例》,是对《旅行社管理条例》的一次全面修订。业界认为条例对加快旅游业发展,提升旅行社服务质量,将起到积极的作用。当然,《旅行社条例》的实施,还需要出台更具指导意义的《实施细则》和旅游相关配套法规。市场经济环境下旅游行业的和谐春天,需要政府、旅游企业及旅游者共同营造。在旅游之中,做到明明白白去旅游,以确保合法权益不受损害。 The Travel Regulations, passed by the 47th executive meeting of the State Council on January 21, 2009, was recently promulgated. The regulations will come into force on May 1, 2009 and meanwhile the Regulations on the Administration of Travel Agencies promulgated by the State Council on October 15, 1996 Abolished. On March 18, the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council and the China National Tourism Administration held a press conference on “Regulations of Travel Agencies” in Beijing to explain the background of the promulgation of the Regulations on Travel Agencies, the main content of the amendments and the implementation of the National Tourism Administration. In 1996, the State Council issued Regulations on the Administration of Travel Agencies; in 2001, in order to fulfill its promise of China’s accession to the WTO, the State Council made an adaptive revision to the Regulations on Travel Agencies and added a chapter entitled “Special Provisions for Travel Agencies with Foreign Investment” . The “Travel Agencies Ordinance” promulgated this time is an all-round revision of the “Travel Management Regulations”. The industry believes that the regulations will play an active role in accelerating the development of tourism and improving the service quality of travel agencies. Of course, the implementation of the “Travel Agencies Ordinance” also requires the introduction of a more directive “Regulations” and tourism-related supporting laws and regulations. Harmonious spring tourism industry under the market economy environment needs the government, tourism enterprises and tourists to jointly create. In the tourism, to do it plainly to travel, to ensure that legitimate rights and interests are not compromised.
肝性脊髓病临床少见,笔者遇到3例,报告于下:1 临床资料例1.男性.65岁。发现肝硬化2年,近半年间断意识障碍。1989年3月2日因“排柏油样便伴昏迷一天”再次入院。查体欠合作,
1989年8月,某师农场因聚餐引起一起食物中毒,现将调查结果报告如下。一、流行病学特征 1.时间分布:首例发病在8月1日晨1时,54h时内发生病人46例。发病高峰在8月1日20~24h。平
在富碘区,虽然碘的每日摄入量变化很大,从50μg到数毫克不等,但血清甲状腺激素(TH)和促甲状腺激素(TSH)浓度却几乎恒定不变,甚至在缺碘地区,许多人 In iodine-rich areas,
一、“文化旅游”与“文化遗产旅游”文化及文化遗产与休闲结合在一起,就成为了当今世界旅游业中最重要的、也是发展最快的一个组成部分。然而,“文化旅游”(cultural touris