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人类即将跨入新世纪,随着弹道导弹,特别是战术弹道导弹在全世界的迅速扩散,反弹道导弹武器,特别是反战术弹道导弹武器,已经成为世纪末并将继续成为新世纪的热点武器。不论是美、俄等军事强国还是众多第三世界国家,研制、发展、购买、部署反弹道导弹风愈演愈烈,精彩份呈。本刊在本期起,将陆续刊登反弹道导弹,重点是反战术弹道导弹系列文章,力图比较系统、全面而通俗地介绍反弹道导弹武器的发展历程,特点,反弹道导弹武器的三大关键技术,各国反弹道导弹武器的现状和发展趋势,我国周边国家和地区的反导武器概况,对反弹道导弹条约的介绍和评述等。我们也欢迎对此感兴趣的读者来信,告知你们希望刊登哪些方面内容的文章,本刊将尽量予以满足。 With the rapid spread of ballistic missiles, especially tactical ballistic missiles around the world, human beings are about to enter the new century. Anti-ballistic missile weapons, especially anti-tactical ballistic missile weapons, have become the hot weapons at the end of the century and will continue to be the new century. Whether it is the United States, Russia and other military powers or numerous third world countries, the development, development, purchase and deployment of anti-ballistic missiles are intensifying and their splendid presentations are presented. Since the beginning of this issue, the magazine will launch anti-ballistic missiles one after another, with an emphasis on anti-tactical ballistic missile series articles, trying hard to introduce the development history and characteristics of anti-ballistic missile weapons in a systematic and comprehensive way and the three key points of anti-ballistic missile weapons Technology, the status quo and development trend of anti-ballistic missile weapons in various countries, the general situation of anti-missile weapons in neighboring countries and regions in China, and the introduction and review of anti-ballistic missile treaties. We also welcome readers interested in this letter, telling you what you want to publish articles, this publication will try its best to meet.
我科自 1992年至 1999年间共诊治了 18例以神经系统为首发症状的成人型蛔虫病。由此 ,我们积累了一定的临床经验 ,找出误诊的原因 ,并提高了对该病的认识和神经系统疾病的诊
笔者自 1997年 10月~ 1999年 10月采用胸腺肽联合乙肝 1号片治疗慢性乙型肝炎 30例 ,取得较好疗效 ,现报道如下。1 一般资料   74例慢性乙型肝炎患者均为我院肝病中心门诊
1 问题的提出在建筑工程实践中发现 ,混凝土分项工程在整个单位工程中所占比重越来越大。做好混凝土分项工程质量验收与评定 ,提高混凝土结构工程质量 ,对于单位工程显得尤
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