抓好职工教育 促进黄金生产发展

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山东省玲珑黄金矿业公司是我国大型黄金企业之一。近年来,企业紧紧围绕持续稳定发展黄金生产这个中心,不断强化职工教育,促进了矿山的两个文明建设。1986年晋升为山东省先进企业,到1992年,黄金产量连续18年居全国同行业之首,创造了我国黄金矿山开采史上稳产高产的新记录。曾先后荣获国家部委级先进荣誉称号40多个,山东省厅局级先进荣誉称号60多个。1991年荣获“山东省黄金行业功勋企业”、全国“七五“期间为黄金工业发展做出突出贡献的先进集体,被国务院领导同志誉为黄金行业的“头名状元”。1992年荣获全国“五一”劳动奖状。回顾我公司的发展过 Shandong exquisite gold mining company is one of China’s large gold enterprises. In recent years, the Company has been focusing on the steady and steady development of the center of gold production, constantly reinforcing worker education and promoting the two civilizations of the mine. In 1986, it was promoted to an advanced enterprise in Shandong Province. By 1992, the gold output ranked the first among the same industry in the country for 18 consecutive years, creating a new record of stable and high yield in the history of gold mining in our country. Has won the national ministerial-level advanced honorary title of more than 40, Shandong Provincial Department of bureau level advanced honorary title more than 60. In 1991, he was awarded as “the Leading Enterprise of the Gold Industry in Shandong Province” and as an advanced collective who made outstanding contributions to the development of the gold industry during the “Seventh Five-Year Plan” period in the country. In 1992 won the national “51” labor certificate. Review my company’s development too
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