与用户零距离接触 创新建树自己的特色

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10年前,重庆运达借款30万元,4个人在土墙房中开始创业。到今天,自有土地48亩,自有资产超过1600万元,员工焊接设备有限公司总经理近百人,销售额突破4000万元。总结起来有以下几点: 一、明确价值观,为企业发展方向奠定基础企业渡过生存期,开始获得利润时,该怎样进一步发展?不同的观念,产生不同的思想。是家族型垄断封闭,还是社会开放式?观念发生冲突。我们坚持:企业经营目的是赢利,但赢利的目的是服务于社会。道不同,不以为谋。部分人离开了企业,但更多优秀人才则吸引到企业中来,在价值取向认同的前提下,求同存异,共同发展。二、与用户的零距离接触,直面竞争,创 Ten years ago, Chongqing reached a loan of 300,000 yuan and four people started their business in the wall-building. Today, its own land of 48 acres and its own assets of more than 16 million yuan, welding equipment employees General Manager nearly 100 people, sales exceeded 40 million yuan. To sum up the following points: First, clear values, laying the foundation for the development of enterprises Through survival, start profit, how to further develop? Different ideas, have different ideas. Family monopoly closed, or open-minded society? Concept conflict. We insist: the purpose of business is to profit, but the purpose of profit is to serve the community. Different road, do not think seek. Some people left the enterprise, but more outstanding talents are attracted to the enterprise. On the premise of value orientation, they seek common ground while reserving differences and seek common development. Second, zero-distance contact with the user, face competition, hit
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