陕甘宁 遍布边区合作社所在地成了耀眼的红色地名

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流通苏票向外办货供给必需推销土产边区合作创建于第二次国内革命战争后期。当时的陕北和陕甘宁边苏区有4个合作社。1935年10月中共中央到达陕北后,中华苏维埃中央国民经济部等有关部门大力倡导发展合作社运动,两年内使合作社发展到150多个,后来又增至690多个。各期合作社名目繁多,主要有消费、生产、运输、信用和综合性的几类。它们的业务和服务活动遍及各地和各个领域,成为边区经济的重要组成部分,为打破敌人经济封锁,满足人民生产生活需要,促进经济文化建设,支援革命战争作出了重大贡献。边区合作事业的实践,还先后创造出诸如克服包办代替,实行民办公助,冲破教条主义,坚持实事求是,密切联系群众,遵循服务守旨,扩展业务范 Circulation of the Soviet votes outbound goods supply necessary to promote the cooperation of the indigenous border areas created in the second Revolutionary Civil War. At that time there were four cooperatives in northern Shaanxi, Shaanxi and Gansu, Ningxia and the Soviet Union. After the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party arrived in northern Shaanxi in October 1935, the Central Government Department of the Chinese Soviet Central Government vigorously promoted the development of the cooperative movement and expanded the number of cooperatives to more than 150 within two years and subsequently to more than 690. There are many kinds of cooperatives in various periods, mainly including consumption, production, transportation, credit and comprehensive types. Their business and service activities have spread all over the country and various fields and become important components of the border economy. They have made significant contributions to breaking the economic blockade of the enemy, meeting the needs of the people’s production and life, promoting economic and cultural development and supporting the revolutionary war. The practice of cooperation in the border areas has also created such tasks as overcoming replacement by the people, implementing public-private assistance, breaking dogmatism, upholding the principle of seeking truth from facts, close contact with the masses, observing the service objective and expanding business scope
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