Wandering1 Willie 闲逛的威利

来源 :中学生英语·七年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fuzhuyuansu
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  After he ate his breakfast, Willie, the donkey2 had nothing to do. He ran quickly across his small grassland and rolled in the dirt. “Ah-choo!” The dirt made Willie sneeze3. He looked around for something better to do.
  When Farmer Jones went into the barn4, the little donkey unlatched5 the gate, ran down the road, jumped over the fence6, and ran асrоss thе nехt grassland tо visit his nеighburs.
  “Hee-haw!” Willie raced behind the tall horses. “Hee-haw!” Willie nuzzled7 the sheep. “Hee-haw!” Willie were playing with the pigs in the mud. Now Willie had something to do.
  Soon, the neighbor called Farmer Jones. “Your donkey is over here.”
  Farmer Jones sighed8, “I’ll come get him.” And he did.
  The next morning, after breakfast, Willie played with butterflies. Then he watched Farmer Jones harvest a bag of soybeans9. When Farmer Jones drove the tractor10 back into the barn, Willie’s ears fall down. He had nothing to do. So the little donkey unlatched the gate, ran down the road, jumped over the fence, and ran across the next grassland to visit his neighbors.
  Willie munched11 on flowers in their front yard. He ate the pie cooling on the windowsill12. He played hide-and-seek in the flapping13 clothes on the clothesline.
  Soon, the neighbor called Farmer Jones. “Your donkey is over here again.”
  Farmer Jones sighed, “I’ll come get him.” And he did.
  The next morning, after breakfast, Willie watched a big truck drove down the road. It stopped in front of the barn. Farmer Jones helped the driver unload some wooden boxes. When they were opened, out six white geese, who looked at their new home.
  “Hee-haw! Hee-haw!” Willie ran over to greet the geese. They flapped their wings at him.
  Willie and the geese had a friendly conversation.   威利和大白鹅们进行着一段友好的对话。
  After a while, the geese walked off to the pond to swim. Willie didn’t feel like following them to the pond, even though they were very nice geese. So the little donkey unlatched the gate and ran down the road.
  But before he reached the other grassland, he heard loud screeching14. The six geese were running toward Willie’s grassland. Behind them came a big red fox with glittering15 eyes.
  Willie ran back up the road. He opened the gate. Then he ran toward the fox, just as it was about to jump at the geese.
  “Hee-haw!” Willie kicked at the fox with his sharp hoofs16. The fox was scared and ran across the grassland, not looking back.
  The geese thanked around Willie for his help. Willie had saved them from the fox.
  The next morning, after breakfast, Willie didn’t unlatch the gate. He didn’t ran down the road. Willie stayed home with his new friends. The little donkey now had something very important to do.
摘要:针对现行公开课中课堂转型的表面化现象,阐述了对话教学与课堂转型的关系,并以九年级“金属的化学性质”为例,探讨了如何把对话教学具体地运用到初中化学课堂转型中,并进行了反思。  关键词:对话教学;课堂转型;金属的化学性质  文章编号:1008-0546(2015)11-0005-03 中图分类号:G633.8 文献标识码:B  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1008-0546.2015.
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