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黄河是中华民族的摇篮,在黄河入海的鲁北大地,如同冲泻而下的泥沙一样,呈现和积淀着黄河两岸丰富多彩的民俗古风。一九九一年农历二月二日,我应滨州市艺术馆的邀请与美术界的同行们一同驱车去采访闻名的火把李一年一度的民间玩具集市。火把李是惠民县一个偏僻的小村庄,前不依河,后不靠镇,过去有庙现在不存。是日却火一般地热闹起来。清晨开始,该村和周围村庄的民间艺人及远地的商贩把整车整箱的玩具运 The Yellow River is the cradle of the Chinese nation. Like the sediment flowing down from the Yellow River, the Lubei land entering the Yellow River presents and accumulates the rich and colorful folklore on both sides of the Yellow River. On February 2, 1991, at the invitation of the Binzhou Art Museum, I drove with my colleagues from the art world to interview the famous annual torch Lee folk toy fair. Torch Lee is a remote small village in Huimin County, before the river does not rely on the town after the temple does not exist in the past. It is the day but the fire is lively up. Early morning, the village and the surrounding villages of folk artists and distant traders to the whole FCL toy transport
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1 病例报告患者 ,2 4岁 ,孕 3产 0 ,因停经 38周 ,腹阵痛伴见红 1天于1998年 7月 30日入院 ,孕期无阴道流血 ,既往月经规律。查体 :一般情况好 ,血压 112 /75mmHg ,心肺无异常 ,