Significance and Management of Private-owned Museums

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文物收藏在中国历史巳久,多是私人收藏,中国第一家博物馆诞生至今,不足百年;而中国第一家获政府批准注册、具有法人资格的私立博物馆的诞生,距中华人民共和国成立,已逾47年。私立博物馆的建立,是中国改革开放的成果,对国家文化建设有重要作用。私立博物馆在资产属性上和国家博物馆不同,但作为辅助教育机构的社会功能完全一致,并为中国文化遗产的保护提供了另外一条出路。私立博物馆必须具备经营的理念,创造良好的经济效益,这是其良性发展的前提。目前,私立博物馆还面临着许多困难,比如执照名称概念模糊;无法进行正常的经营;文物回流入境关税等问题,都急待有关部门的重视和解决。 Heritage collection in China has a long history, mostly private collections, the birth of China’s first museum has less than a century; and China’s first privately-run museum with the approval of the government registration, the birth of a legal personality, from the People’s Republic of China has been established, has Over 47 years. The establishment of private museums is the result of China’s reform and opening up and plays an important role in the national cultural construction. Private museums are different from national museums in their attributes of property. However, their social functions as an auxiliary educational institution are exactly the same and provide an alternative way to protect the cultural heritage in China. Private museums must have the management concept and create good economic benefits, which is the prerequisite for their sound development. At present, private museums also face many difficulties, such as the vague concept of the license name, the failure to carry out normal operations, the re-entry of customs duties and other issues of cultural relics, and they all urgently need the attention of the relevant departments and solutions.
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