Exploring the Added Outcomes of the Teaching of Native English Speakers in EFL Context

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  【Abstract】This study aims to explore the added outcome of the speaking course of native English-speaking teachers perceived by Chinese EFL students. The data was collected from 100 university students via a questionnaire. The added outcomes reported by the students would lead us to reexamine the overall value of the teaching of Native English-speaking Teachers (NESTs) in EFL context, and help the teachers to reexamine their teaching in the future so as to benefit their students to the ultimate extent.
  【Key words】by-products; Native English-speaking Teachers (NESTs); EFL
  As English has progressively become a global language, many native English speakers go to ESL/EFL countries to work as English teachers. A review of the literature indicates that the large number of research on NESTs are mainly about the teaching practices of the native English-speaking teachers and the outcomes of their class.
  The outcomes emerged from previous studies was mainly related to students’ improvement in language skills, like pronunciation, communicative competence, listening skills ect. Whereas, some researchers pointed out that apart from cognitive outcomes, teaching process would generate some unpredicted affective and social outcomes, along with potentials to change students’ lives beyond the borders of classroom and academic success (Nunan, 1999). These outcomes are considered to be particularly worth being studied because they are related to the long-term value of lifelong learning (Rawson, 2000). However, the added outcomes of NESTs’ speaking class, generating along with students’ cognitive outcomes, have not been adequately studied. Therefore, the current study attempts to explore the added outcomes of NESTs’ speaking class perceived by EFL students in China.
  II. Literature Review
  Brophy and Good (1986) pointed out that teaching effectiveness included success in socializing students and promoting their affective and personal development in addition to fostering their mastery of formal curricula. This kind of unexpected outcomes along with the development of academic outcomes in classroom were defined as ‘‘by-products’’ by Perpignan, Rubin and Katznelson in their studies (2001).
  Perpignan, Rubin and Katznelson (2001) carried out a study with 72 students on their perceptions toward the outcomes of the Academic writing courses they enrolled. They collected data through an open-ended questionnaire and in-depth interviews. The students expressed that the courses generated many additional outcomes for them apart from improving their writing skills, such as the improvement of reading, speaking and thinking skills. Moreover, many affective changes happened to the students after the writing courses as well as changes in listening to others, awareness of the meaning of learning and students’ knowledge base.   The three researchers revisited the issue in 2007 by administrating an open-ended questionnaire to 210 university students in Israel. Some research findings were consistent with that of the previous study in 2001. Nine categories of additional outcomes of the writing courses were generated in this study, with other skills ranking the top, following by thinking skills, affective factors, awareness of the meaning of writing, broadening of knowledge base, behavior in professional context, learning the meaning of learning, social interaction and creativity. The researchers concluded that examining the additional outcomes of a course could help us know what teaching and learning really mean better. Plus, a greater awareness of the added outcomes of a course and an understanding of how they might produce and enhance may advance the development of tertiary education in more ways (Perpignan, Rubin,
【摘要】本文主要探讨在大学英语教学中把中国传统语文学习中的背诵作为一种学习策略,结合现代多媒体教学资源,合理设计教学活动,优化教学环节,促进大学英语教学。  【关键词】背诵;多媒体教学;英语学习  【作者简介】刘普,兰州交通大学博文学院外国语系。  一、引言  1.背诵在英语学习中的作用及其现状。背诵是我国传统的语文学习的一种方法,至今在汉语教学中广為应用,而且作为一种能力要求,在考试中常加以检查
【摘要】教育家赫尔巴特指出,如果教学没有德育,就只是目的和手段、品德教育没有教学,就失去目的和手段。赫尔巴特的观点,显然是说教育教学与德育教育的关联性,教学不能忽视德育,德育不能离开教学。为此,英语教学中,也应与德育教育携手同行。小学英语教学中,如何渗透德育教育,是本文要阐述的主要论题。  【关键词】小学英语;英语教学;德育教育;渗透策略  【作者简介】庄慧,江苏省宿迁市泗阳县王集小学。  教育家
【Abstract】Higher education should innovate the mode of personnel training, scientific research, social service, cultural inheritance and management, and improve the quality of personnel training and t
【摘要】随着按照新课标修订的初中英语教材在全国的广泛使用,如何处理好初中英语教材中语篇教学可以说是搞好初中英语教学的重要环节,也关系到初中英语课改的成败。这就是需要我们正确认识教学大纲和课程标准中关于语篇教学目标,摒弃过时的教学方法。  【关键词】教学目标;教学方法;阅读技巧  【作者简介】李小华,广东吴川市第四中学。  随着按照新课标修订的初中英语教材在全国的广泛使用,如何处理好初中英语教材中语
【摘要】写作是英语学习的重点,运用自动评价系统能够有效的提高高中生的写作兴趣,发展写作能力。本研究主要通过文献分析法以及访谈法,对两位教师进行使用自动评价系统的前后访谈,以了解不同工作经验的老师对该系统的看法。  【关键词】英语写作;自动评价系统;新手教师;成熟型教师  【作者简介】王璐佳,哈尔滨师范大学江北校区公共英语教研部。  一、引言  自动评价系统早在上世纪六十年代就产生于西方国家,但是该
【摘要】对外汉语教育有利于高校的建设与发展。在当前高校留学热潮面前,对外汉语教育形势严峻。本文希望就对外汉语教育本质和功能的探讨能够在更深一层次有所反应,即让中国与世界相处更加融洽。  【关键词】对外汉语教育;本质;功能  【作者简介】贺婷(1981.01-),女,汉族,贵州六盘水人,铜仁学院国际学院,副教授,研究方向:对外汉语教学。  对外汉语教育是大学本科教育中的一个学科。由于我国国力提升,国
【摘要】本文探討了任务型英语教学法中对任务的界定,任务设计中容易被忽视的一些原则。从而为提升英语教学的效果建言献策。  【关键词】英语教学 任务型教学法 任务 设计原则  一、引言  任务型英语教学法是围绕完成“任务”而开展课堂教学的一种英语教学方法。该教学方法从20世纪70年代末80年代初开始一直风靡外语教学界,其中,最有影响力的教学实践是普拉布(Prabhu)教授在印度的班加罗尔开始的。此后,
【摘要】随着中国文化“走出去”战略的实施,中外文化交流正在发生转向,这对我国的外语教学提出了新的要求。我国外语教学需要培养大批具有跨文化交际能力,特别是能用英语表达中国文化的国民,推动中华文化走向世界,增进国际社会对我国基本国情、价值观念、发展道路、内外政策的了解和认识。本文对我国大学英语教学中中国文化“失语”的现象进行了分析,对在大学英语教学中融入中国文化进行了有益的实践探索。  【关键词】大学