
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(心脏病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:quhongliangs
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The prognostic values of tissue Doppler imaging and color M-mode diastolic indexes were studied in 225 patients who had symptomatic systolic heart failure in the ADEPT study. The primary end point of death, transplantation, or hospitalization due to heart failure occurred in 65 patients and was independently predicted by shorter deceleration time, lower ratio of pulmonary vein systolic to diastolic velocity, and increasing levels of the ratios of early transmitral velocity to early annular velocity or velocity of propagation. For the ratio of early transmitral velocity to early annular velocity, this prediction was additive to deceleration time. Newer diastolic indexes provide an independent prediction of clinical outcomes. The prognostic values ​​of tissue Doppler imaging and color M-mode diastolic indexes were studied in 225 patients who had symptomatic systolic heart failure in the ADEPT study. The primary end point of death, transplantation, or or hospitalization due to heart failure occurred in 65 patients and was able predicted by shorter deceleration time, lower ratio of pulmonary vein systolic to diastolic velocity, and increasing levels of the ratios of early transmitral velocity to early annular velocity or velocity of propagation. this ratio of early transmitral velocity to early annular velocity, this prediction was additive to deceleration time. Newer diastolic indexes provide an independent prediction of clinical outcomes.
20 0 1年 7月 1 3日晚 ,一个 1 3亿人的不眠之夜 !中华儿女期盼已久的时刻终于到来了 :国际奥委会第 1 1 2次全体会议投票表决 ,北京赢得了 2 0 0 8年第二十九届奥运会的主办
【摘要】中学英语语法教学,是困扰广大师生的一个难题,本文就语法教学中教师存在的认识误区进行深入剖析,并建议根据不同的教学任务,不同的教学目标,不同的教学时段采用不同的教学模式,最后提出了英语语法教学新模式的具体实施措施,为中学英语语法学习提供了新的指导理念。  【关键词】语法教学 教学理念 认识误区 教学模式  【中图分类号】G42 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1006—5962(2012)09