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从我国当前粮食保管的实际情况看,无毒保粮技术在一个较长时期尚不能普及,利用熏蒸剂来保管好粮食,仍是广大基层粮库最主要的方法。根据各地实际使用情况,大多习惯于单种使用,五十年代以氯化苦为主,六十年代以敌敌畏为主,七十年代以磷化氢为主。长期单种使用的结果,已产生一定的后遗症——诱导害虫产生抗药性,特别是当前广泛使用的王牌熏蒸剂磷化氢也日益受到害虫的严重威胁,反应出来的明显事实是熏蒸后保持无虫期较短,常规熏蒸法一般保持二至三个月,改用“粮堆熏蒸法”也不过半年左右,一年至少要熏蒸二至三次,不仅增加费用,积累残毒,更严重的是促使抗性问题的继续发展,将给防治工 Judging from the current actual situation of food storage in our country, the technology of non-toxic food preservative can not be popularized for a long time and the use of fumigants to keep good food is still the most important method for the majority of grassroots grain storage. According to the actual use of each place, most used to single use, chloropicrin in the fifties dominated the sixties to dominate the dichlorvos, mainly in the seventies of phosphine. Long-term single use of the results, has produced some sequelae - inducing pest resistance, in particular, is currently widely used trump card fumigant phosphine is also increasingly threatened by pests, the obvious fact is reflected in the fumigation remain Short period of insects, conventional fumigation generally maintain two to three months, switch to “foodstuff fumigation method” but also about six months, at least a year to fumigate two or three times, not only to increase costs and accumulate residuals, more serious is to promote The continuing development of the resistance issue will give preventive workers
有土斯有粮。土是农业生产的最基本条件。伟大领袖和导师毛主席早在一九五八年就提倡河南省长葛县深 There are earth food. Soil is the most basic condition of agricul
放学了,李林、晶晶和小军路过留守老人王奶奶家。  王奶奶正在门口洗茶杯,杯里积满了褐色的茶垢。王奶奶用水冲,用手擦,茶垢怎么也洗不掉。  李林想到老师说过,牙膏去污能力强。他挤了一点牙膏,涂在杯子上,再用抹布擦,茶垢没有了。  晶晶想到妈妈用盐擦脏碗,一拍脑门,说:“有了!”她舀了一小勺盐放在杯子里,使劲擦,杯子白了。  小军想起一次实验课,老师用湿纸擦玻璃杯。他照样做,也把杯子洗干净了。  王奶
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晶莹的汗水,浇灌出绿树鲜花;  不知疲倦的脚步,走过门前,走过窗下;  敬爱的叔叔、阿姨,是您默默奉献,  才把我们的校园装扮得如诗、如画……  这是营口市实验学校孩子们自创的、献给校园劳动者的一首小诗。在学校开展的“向光荣的劳动者致敬”系列活动中,大家通过调查和体验,零距离认识了校园保安、校车司机、食堂员工、保洁阿姨,这些劳动者坚守岗位、不辞辛苦的奉献,激发了同学们敬重劳动、渴望参与劳动的热情。
湖南省益阳市灰山港镇中心小学的同学们喜欢画画。在他们心中,最开心的事,是用五颜六色的画笔,画出五彩缤纷的世界。 Students from the elementary school in the town of