与时俱进 再铸辉煌

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北方重工集团(原内蒙古第二机械制造总厂)是我国“一五”期间兴建的156个重点工程项目之一,这个已成为我国军品生产和科研基地的国家特大型军工企业,近年来在市场竞争中,由于军品任务骤然减少,民品生产举步维艰,不能适应市场需要,生产经营逐步陷入低谷,职工生活困难,已到了“惨淡经营、危局难撑”的境地。工厂的出路在哪里?这是全厂干部职工都在关注和思考的沉重话题。 企业的困难,牵动着国家领导人的心。1999年初,江泽民同志来到北方重工集团。他语重心长地对企业领导说:“现在发展社会主义市场经济,要管好两万多人的大厂,不容易。你们身上的担子重啊!一定要想办法把职工的积极性引导好、保护好、发挥好。尤其是这样一个面临暂时困难的大企业,搞好了,是对党和人民的重大贡献。”他指出,像二机厂这样的大企业一下子全搞活可能有困难,但分开一块一块搞活就比较容易,通过改组、改造、加强管理、分 North Heavy Industries Group (formerly Inner Mongolia Second Machinery Manufacturing Plant) is one of the 156 key construction projects to be built during the “First Five-Year Plan” period in our country. This large-scale military industrial enterprise has become China's military production and scientific research base. In recent years, In the competition, due to the sudden reduction of the military's tasks, the difficult production of civilian products, the inability to meet the needs of the market, the gradual decline of production and operation and the hardships of the staff and workers, the situation of “dismal management and endangerment” has come to a standstill. Where is the factory outlet? This is the whole plant cadres and workers are concerned about and thinking of the heavy topic. Business difficulties affect the hearts of state leaders. In early 1999, Comrade Jiang Zemin came to North Heavy Industries Group. He spoke earnestly to the leaders of the enterprises and said: “It is not easy to control the market economy of the socialist market now, and it is not easy to control the big manufacturers of more than 20,000 people. The burden on you is so heavy that we must find ways to guide the enthusiasm of the workers and protect them. Especially for such a large enterprise facing temporary difficulties, and doing a good job is a major contribution to the party and the people. ”He pointed out that large-scale enterprises such as the Second Machine Factory may have difficulties in invigorating them all at once, but separately It is easier to live together piece by piece, by restructuring, reforming, and strengthening management
建中化工总公司是中国核工业集团公司所属的大型骨干企业 ,始建于1965年。历经30多年艰苦创业 ,公司已发展成为以核电燃料组件为主导产业 ,金属锂、锂电池、香料为主要产品 ,兼营设
材料与工具: 吹塑纸、铅笔、圆规、格尺、剪刀、橡皮。制作过程: 按图:1、2、5各剪一片,按图3、4各剪四片,每片剪口的宽度要与纸的薄厚相同,这样拆插时才牢固。参照图6先将
人力资源和社会保障部副部长杨志明表示——人力资源和社会保障部日前召开部分国有企业劳动争议预防调解示范工作视频会,副部长杨志明表示,当前,我国正处在劳动争议易发 Yan