Structure and Potential Application of Konjac Glucomannan Nano Microfibril Aerogel

来源 :结构化学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:blueskygx
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An ultra-light and high porosity nano microfibril aerogel was prepared from konjac glucomannan(KGM) by the electrospinning and freeze-drying. The structure of aerogel was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and X-ray diffraction(XRD) while the density and compressive strength of the samples were studied separately. Results reveal that porous network structure of the KGM nano microfibril aerogel is constructed by intermolecular hydrogen bonds in random and interpenetrate way. The nano microfibril structure presents in the KGM aerogel,which is an important reason of its high density and compressive strength. There is a potential application for this unique nano microfibril aerogel in the absorption of biodegradation bacteria to solve problems in marine oil spill pollution. An ultra-light and high porosity nano microfibril aerogel was prepared from konjac glucomannan (KGM) by the electrospinning and freeze-drying. The structure of aerogel was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) while the density and compressive strength of the samples were studied separately. Results of the porous network structure of the KGM nano microfibrileroeroes are constructed by intermolecular hydrogen bonds in random and interpenetrate way. The nano microfibril structure presents in the KGM aerogel, which is an important reason of its high density and compressive strength. There is a potential application for this unique nano microfibril aerogel in the absorption of biodegradation bacteria to solve problems in marine oil spill pollution.
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