
来源 :考试(中考版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunwenjun19841120
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随着21世纪数学教学改革的进一步深入,《新课程标准》的有关理念已深入人心。近几年中考试题中频繁出现了与正方形网格有关的题目,旨在倡导学生积极参与、乐于探究、勤于动手,重在考查学生搜集和处理信息的能力、获取新知识的能力、分析和解决问题的能力,以及交流合作的能力,以下采撷几例 With the deepening of the reform of mathematics teaching in the 21st century, the relevant concepts of the “new curriculum standards” have been deeply rooted in people’s minds. In recent years, subjects related to square grids have appeared frequently in the examination questions, aiming at advocating students’ active participation, willingness to explore, and diligence, focusing on the ability of students to collect and process information, the ability to acquire new knowledge, and analysis. The ability to solve problems and the ability to communicate and cooperate
3.5 注意药物使用3.5.1 不可混用的药物 1.生石灰勿与漂白粉混用。漂白粉主要成分是CaOCl2,潮解后生成次氯酸(HClO)和碱性氯化钙: 次氯酸立刻放出新生态氧:HClO-HCl+[O],有强烈的杀菌灭活作用。由于漂白粉产生的次氯
一声一都分选择题一、选择题(每题只有一个选项符合题意,毛7开素的饮学J叶庸卞尊雨本干厦子献l蒸蒸冬梅栖A.核外电子数r才玄寿卜由响不目步 B.核内质子姿n富从曰南了册V分律
在新西兰一些人迹罕至的小岛上,生活着一种奇特的爬行动物楔齿蜥。它模样有点像蜥蜴,又有点像鳄鱼,所以就有了鳄蜥的雅号;又因为它的嘴巴像 On some of the most inaccessi