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突出专业技能教学是技校的办学特色,对于技校学生来说,毕业后很多人即走上社会,进入就业岗位,继续深造学习的机会不多,因此必须在技校学习阶段掌握应用写作的基本技巧,以适应走上社会后的工作需求。因此技校必须切实加强应用文教学。增大应用写作知识的比重加强应用文教学,首先必须保证应用文写作知识内容在教材中占有一定比重,保证应用文教学有足够的时间安排。因此,应对技校现行语文教材进行修订,增编应用写作的教学内容。编选时应注意以下三个方面的问题:要增编有关应用写作的基础知识。技校语文教学要把应用文教学作为一个整体来考虑。在技校语文教材中不可能包含很多种应用文体的内容,但完全有必要向学生介绍应用写作的基础知识,如应用文的性质、特点、作用、结构,应用文的语言特征、语言要求、常用句型、表达方式和修辞特点等,使学生获得关于应用写作的较为完整的知识,为他们今后学习、运用其他应用文体打下基础。要侧重编选事务性和经济性的应用文体。96新版教材中编选的劳动合同等各种应用文体应该说是最为常用和重要 Outstanding professional skills Teaching is technical school running characteristics, for technical school students, after graduation, many people go to society, enter the job, continue to study a little less opportunity, it must be in the technical school learning stage mastery of the basic skills of applied writing, In order to adapt to the needs of the community after the job. Therefore, technical schools must effectively strengthen the application of teaching. Increase the proportion of applied writing knowledge to strengthen the application of teaching, we must first ensure that the content of the application of writing knowledge in textbooks occupy a certain proportion to ensure that the application of teaching enough time to arrange. Therefore, we should revise the existing Chinese teaching materials in technical schools and add the teaching content of applied writing. Editor should pay attention to the following three aspects of the problem: Addendum to the basic knowledge of applied writing. Technical school Chinese teaching should apply teaching as a whole to consider. However, it is absolutely necessary to introduce students to the basic knowledge of applied writing, such as the nature, characteristics, function, structure, linguistic features of the applied language, language requirements, common sentence patterns , Expressions and rhetorical features to enable students to acquire more complete knowledge about applied writing and lay the foundation for their future study and application of other applied genres. It is necessary to focus on the selection of the practical and economic application style. 96 kinds of textbooks compiled by the labor contract and other types of applications should be said that the most commonly used and important
浅谈优化攀枝花新钢钒公司炼钢转炉污泥,使其作为常规高炉烧结矿或转炉炼钢或转炉提钒含铁原料的实施思路。 Talking about the Optimization of Panzhihua New Steel and V