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大力发展咨询服务业。工程咨询业要形成为经济建设和各类工程项目决策、建设提供全过程咨询的服务体系。科技咨询业要成为科技成果转化为商品的纽带。管理咨询业要对转换企业经营机制,推进企业管理现代化发挥更大的作用。会计审计咨询业、法律咨询业是建立社会主义市场经济体制所必需的市场中介服务行业,要大力加快发展,以适应伴随市场体系发展、企业经营机制转换和政府职能转变而涌现出的大量社会需求。加快广告业的发展,逐步建立结构合理、门类齐全、媒介通畅、专业化水平较高和多层次、全方位的广告信息传播和市场营销服务体系.提高广告制作和经营水平,加强广告的监督管理。积极推进符合广告市场运行规律和国际惯例的广告经营代理体制。 Vigorously develop advisory services. Engineering consulting industry should be formed for the economic construction and various engineering projects decision-making, construction of the whole process of consulting services system. Science and technology consulting industry to become scientific and technological achievements into commodities link. The management consulting industry should play a greater role in transforming the operating mechanism of enterprises and promoting the modernization of enterprise management. Accounting and auditing consulting industry and legal consulting industry are the market intermediary service industries necessary to establish a socialist market economic system. We must speed up development so as to meet the large number of social needs that have emerged with the development of the market system, the transformation of business operations and the transformation of government functions . Accelerate the development of the advertising industry and gradually establish an advertising information dissemination and marketing service system with reasonable structure, complete categories, smooth media, high professionalization level, multi-level and omni-directional information, enhance the production and management of advertisements, and strengthen the supervision and management of advertisements . Actively promote the ads in line with the advertising market rules and international practice of advertising agency system.
第七届国际稀土钴永磁及其应用会议(Seventh International Workshop on Rare Earth—Cobalt Permanent Magnets and their Applications)将于1983年9月中旬在我国北京举行
我部各厂、所都已先后宣贯了《形状和位置公差》新国标,为使同志们自我检验一下理解和掌握“形位公差”标准的程度,请判断以下题目所述的内容的是否正确? All the factories
图1所示零件过去是压成П形后用手工扭头90°,这样效率低,质量差。后来采用蝶形块结构模具(图2)压制成功。现将模具设计中有关的问题简介如下。 The parts shown in Figure
(三)尽可能地增加炉气水当量 冲天炉炉气水当量与炉气流量、炉气平均热容成正比。在炉内温度分布基本相同,过热面积基本相等的情况下,增加炉气水当量可以达到强化冲天炉炉内
1.马四退五将5进1 2.兵三平四将5平6 3.车三退一将6进1 4.车三退一将6退1 5.马五进六将6平5 6.车三进一将5退1 7.车三进一将5进1 8.马六退七将5平6 9.马七退五将6平5 10.马五
首都机械厂和哈工大共同研制成功的ZM—180新型小直径全位置焊机在12月8日航天部召开的技术鉴定会上通过。由专家、教授、工程技术人员组成的鉴定委员会,在中国科学院 Capit
在锻压生产中,珠光体级5×HM钢之所以广泛用作金属冷、热变形工具,主要是由于这种钢的价格便宜,而且工艺性能良好。虽然这种钢的耐热性能仍显不足(热至 In forging product