
来源 :西部大开发 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuanhongsheng1982
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2006年9月13日,秋高气爽,西部大开发规划与《西部大开发》杂志座谈会在秦岭北麓太平国家森林公园召开。来自陕西省和周边省份的嘉宾、陕西各市县政府办、通联站、记者站的200多名代表参加了会议。陕西省决策咨询委员会副主任李焕政在座谈会上作了重要讲话。他说,1999年,江泽民总书记在西安丈八宾馆发出西部大开发的动员令,全国上下群情振奋,西部人民更是欢欣鼓舞。《西部大开发》杂志应运而生。西部大开发7年来与时俱进,特别在基础设施方面成效显著。《西部大开发》杂志就是随时记录西部大开发的成果、经验,不断见证西部大开发日新月异变化的一个刊物。他希望《西部大开发》杂志不负众望,努力把它办成陕西名刊、西部名刊、全国名刊。陕西省决策咨询委员会副主任兼秘书长、西部大开发杂志社社长陈嘉桢在会上发表讲话说,今年8月,国务院西开办在兰州召开了规划座谈会,正在组织编制西部大开发“十一五”总体规划。首部西部大开发规划 On September 13, 2006, with a good autumn weather, the planning for the development of the western region and the symposium on “Western Development” were held in the Taiping National Forest Park in the northern foot of the Qinling Mountains. More than 200 delegates from Shaanxi Province and its neighboring provinces, Shaanxi municipalities and county government offices, communication stations and reporter stations attended the meeting. Shaanxi Provincial Decision Advisory Committee Deputy Director Li Huanzheng made an important speech at the forum. He said: In 1999, General Secretary Jiang Zemin sent a mobilization order for the development of the western region at the Zhangba Hotel in Xi’an. The whole country was exalted with enthusiasm, and the people in the west more rejoiced. The “Western Development” magazine came into being. The development of the western region has kept pace with the times in the past 7 years and has achieved remarkable results especially in infrastructure. The “Western Development” magazine is a magazine that keeps track of the achievements and experiences in the development of the western region at any time and constantly witness the ever-changing changes in the development of the western region. He hoped that “Western Development Magazine” will live up to expectations and endeavors to turn it into a famous journal in Shaanxi, a famous western journal and a national famous magazine. Chen Jiazhen, deputy director and secretary general of the Shaanxi Provincial Decision-making Advisory Committee, and president of the Western Development magazine made a speech at the meeting. In August this year, the State Council West Development Office held a planning symposium in Lanzhou and was organizing the preparation of the “ Five ”master plan. First western development plan
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