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We shall study such a finite group G with π_e(G)={1,p,q ,…. ,r,m }, where π_e(G)denotes the set of orders of elements in G andp, q, …, r are primes. We call the above groupthe EPMO-group. Theorem 1. Let G be a solvable EPM O-group. Then one of the followi
<正> 1.机型:春兰RF14W型 故障现象:室内机液晶屏有显示,但室外机无反应,且蜂鸣器长鸣。 分析与检修:该空调器具有自检功能,观察液晶屏未显示故障代码。从故障现象分析,可能
Let ■ be a real semisimple Lie algebra, ■ be a Cartan subalgebra of ■, Aut (■) be the automorphism group of ■ and Ad( ■ ) be the inner automorphism group
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