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虽然需求在不断增长且国家刚刚出台政策为旅游业“松绑”但大量资金迅速投入旅游业会不会造成供求关系的逆转造成新的产业需求失调与失衡经营管理理念又是否能跟得上十年前,一个旅游项目投资三五亿元就已经很惊人了,而现在动辄就是几十亿元、几百亿元,甚至上千亿元,是不是很吓人?旅游投资热潮下,催生了一个又一个的项目对接平台,平台招商信息中,你很难看到几千万元甚至上亿元的项目,大部分项目的投资额度都在十几亿元甚至几十亿 Although the demand is growing and the state has just introduced the policy of “relaxing” the tourism industry, rapid investment in tourism will not cause the reversal of supply-demand imbalance and imbalance in new industry. Whether the concept of management can keep up Ten years ago, a tourism project invested 350 million yuan has been very alarming, but now it is often billions of yuan, tens of billions of yuan, or even hundreds of billions of dollars, is not it scary? Tourism investment boom, gave birth to One after another project docking platform, platform investment information, you can hardly see tens of millions or even billions of dollars of the project, most of the project investment quotas are billions of dollars or even billions
A far field numerical model is developed to simulate jet pollution into natural rivers. Its character is to compute the velocity and pollution concentration se
本文基于Gen Bank中登录的14种松材线虫组线虫的28S、18S和ITS部分基因DNA序列,利用遗传距离法及分子生物学方法评价其各自作为松材线虫组DNA条形码序列的适用性。结果显示,2
一、基本情况 建国后,临沂市人民在毛主席“一定要把淮河修好”的伟大号召下,发扬沂蒙精神,积极投资投劳,兴建了大批的水利工程,共建成大型水库7座,中型水库29座,小型水库76
升钟水库一期工程西充县灌区内 ,在分干渠、支渠上共有三座倒虹管工程 ,管身总长度为 1 1 37.8m。其中 ,在西南分干渠第四流量段 (设计流量 3.5 m3/ s)上有两座 ,管身长度分
宝安区水资源现状我区现有中型水库 3座 ,小型水库 2 8座 ,主要河流两条。我区的水资源现状简述如下 :(一 )水库工程我区现有中型水库 3宗 ,小型水库 2 8宗。这 3宗中型水库
In this paper, the influence of surface roughness on flow structure was numerically studied. An adaptive numerical method, the fast vortex method was employed.