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国家科委于八月三十一日至九月七日,在抚顺市召开了全国软科学研究管理研讨会。这是一次交流信息、交流经验、研究今后工作的盛会。参加会议的代表二百余人,主要是各省、自治区、直辖市科委从事软科学研究管理工作的同志。也有部分同志来自从事软科学研究的科研机构。国家科委秘书长吴武封和国家科委政策法规司司长张登义在会上讲了话。与会代表通过会议受到启发和鼓舞。大家表示,党的十三届六中全会所作的决议中,十分重视决策和咨询研究,因此我们今后要努力工作,勇于实践,为各级领导的科学决策当好参谋。从研讨会可以反映出,全国各地的软科学研究活动正愈来愈被领导和领导机关重视,成为民主化、科学化决策的重要环节。各省、自治区和直辖市科委几乎都有专门机构从事这项工作,配备了相当数量的人员,在科委掌握的三项经费中,软科学研究费用占有一定份额,其比重日趋增长,也已取得了一批很有价值的成果,有的获得了国家和地方 The State Science and Technology Commission held a seminar on soft science research management in Fushun from August 31 to September 7. This is a grand gathering to exchange information, exchange experiences and study future work. More than 200 delegates attended the conference, mainly comrades engaged in scientific research and management of soft science in all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. Some comrades also come from scientific research institutes engaged in soft science research. Wu Weifeng, secretary general of the State Science and Technology Commission, and Zhang Dengyi, director of the State Science and Technology Commission for Policy and Law, made a speech at the meeting. Delegates were inspired and inspired by the meeting. We all said that in the resolutions of the 6th Plenary Session of the 13th CPC Central Committee, we attach great importance to decision-making and consulting and research. Therefore, we must work hard and practice hard in the future and be a good adviser to scientific leaders at all levels of leadership. From the seminar, it can be seen that soft science research activities across the country are increasingly being taken seriously by leaders and leading organs and become an important link in democratization and scientific decision-making. Almost all of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government have specialized agencies engaged in this work, equipped with a considerable number of personnel, science and technology commission has three funds, soft science research costs account for a share of the growing proportion of it has also been made A number of very valuable achievements, some won the country and place
一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分)  1. 下列四个式子中运算结果最小的是( ).   A.1+(-2) B.1-(-2) C.(-1)-(-2) D.(-1)+(-2)   2. 下列各式运算结果正确的是( ).   A.-1-1=0B.0-2=2    C. - =-D.-5-(-2)+(-3)=-10  3. 把-2-(+3)-(-5)+(-4)+(+3)寫成省略括号的形式,正确的是( ).
据日报《钢铁新闻》1997年2月3日报导,1996年世界生铁产量为5.1916亿吨,比1995年减产817万吨(-1.5%)。主要产铁国家与地区生铁产量见下表。 According to the daily Steel
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