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在我国广袤无垠的大地上,历代遗留下的石窟群落,星罗棋布。它们兀立于大漠荒野上,坚挺、雄浑、苍劲,绵延万里。鲁迅先生比喻它们是国土上筑起的又一座“长城”。它们闪烁着人类智慧的结晶,是先辈留给我们的艺术宝藏!70年代初,我曾沿着占丝绸之路,参谒了位于新疆的高昌古洞窟,从此开始了我漫长的“朝圣”苦旅。沿河西走廊,我走访了敦煌莫高窟,天水麦积山,宁夏的须弥山;再东进,到了山西云岗,河南龙门;北上至辽宁万佛洞、奉国寺,那儿供奉着辽、金时代的彩塑;在四川宝顶山下,宏伟的卧佛被外国友人称为沉睡的巨人;不远处,矗立着世界之最的乐山大佛,人们形容它:佛是一座山,山似一尊佛。朝圣苦旅历时20余载,足迹遍及大半个中国,如今我已两鬓染霜进入老年。旅途中我惊诧地发现,我国的佛教石窟在国内分布之广,数量之多,不胜枚举,造形之精美,确是博大精深。 In the vast expanse of our land, the ancient caves communities inherited from ancient times are dotted with dots. They stood in the desert wilderness, strong, vigorous, vigorous, stretching thousands of miles. Mr. Lu Xun compared them to another “Great Wall” built on the land. They flashed the crystallization of human wisdom, is an art treasure our ancestors left us! In the early 1970s, I took part in the Silk Road and took part in the Gaochang Cave in Xinjiang. From then on, I started my long pilgrimage . Along the Hexi Corridor, I visited the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang, Maijishan in Tianshui, and Xumiaoshan in Ningxia; then eastward, I went to Shanxi Yungyang and Longmen in Henan Province; went north to Liaoning Wanfo Cave and Fengguo Temple where there was Liao , Golden Age of the colorful; in Baoding, Sichuan, the magnificent Reclining Buddha by foreign friends as sleeping giant; not far away, stands the world’s largest Leshan Giant Buddha, people describe it: Buddha is a mountain, like a mountain Buddha. Pilgrimage journey lasted more than 20 years, covering more than half of China, and now I have two dyed cream into the elderly. During the journey, I was surprised to find that the Buddhist caves in our country are widely distributed in China with a large number of them. The shapes of the temples are exquisite and profound.
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Figure S1 shows the optimal structures of the thirty-six hydrogen bonded peptide-base complexes and some selected maininteraction distances. (Plain: MP2/6-311+G
初溪水电站为引水式电站,引水隧洞Ⅱ类、部分Ⅲ类及Ⅳ类(引0+429 m以前)围岩复杂,文章首先介绍了工程概括以及工程的地址条件,在此基础上,详细论述了整个引水隧洞的开孔施工