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1911年10月10日(辛亥年八月十九日)武昌新军首义,清军第二十一混成协协统黎元洪从床帐后逼出来被推为鄂军都督,组织军政府。接着湖南、陕西、山西、江西、安徽、云南等省相继宣布独立。清廷“摄政王”载沣谕改组内阁,开放党禁,释放汪兆铭等,并起用袁世凯为内阁总理大臣。袁就任后,一面派冯国璋攻占汉阳,一面迫于大势所趋秘密派人与革命军讲和,大耍其政治上两面手法来投机取巧.清政府被迫接受了袁世凯的六个条件,载沣解除摄政。革命军方面,袁倚靠帝国主义从中牵线,搜罗了汪兆铭,指使杨度与汪合作,组织“国事共济会”为调和南北的机关。11月30日(辛亥年 October 10, 1911 (Xinhai, August 19) The commander-in-chief of the Wuchang Xin Army and the 21st Army of the Qing Army, Li Yuanhong, were forced out of their bed nets to be promoted to military governor of the Armed Forces of Hubei Province and organized by the military government. Followed by Hunan, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Jiangxi, Anhui, Yunnan and other provinces have announced independence. The Qing Dynasty “regent” contains impeachment reorganization of the cabinet, the opening of the party ban, the release of Wang Zhaoming, etc., and the use of Yuan Shikai Minister of the Prime Minister. When he took office, he sent Feng Guozhang to take Hanyang and was forced by secret forces to talk with the revolutionary army under the might of the general public. He used his political tactics to take opportunistic measures. The Qing government was forced to accept Yuan Shikai’s six conditions and set him free from regency. As for the revolutionary army, Yuan drew on imperialism and collected Wang Zhaoming, and instructed Yang Du and Wang to cooperate in organizing the “State Masonic Conference” as a mechanism to reconcile North and South. November 30 (Xinhai year
<正> 台湾商业的起源与发展,有着不同于大陆的特点,它既具有中国商业史的共性,又有其自身的特殊性。长期以来,对台湾商业史的研究,只局限于一些专题文章和资料,没有系统性的专著。1990年由江西人民出版社出版的黄福才同志的《台湾商业史》打
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