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生产力是一个自我运动的动态系统而非靠外力推动的机械物,即人与物的矛盾和实体性因素与智能性因素的矛盾,科学技术是生产力构成中的智能性因素。因为,科学技术的进步引起生产力的飞跃发展,科学技术成了创造财富的主体,科学技术的累进增长使其成为社会生产力中最活跃的和决定性的因素。如何充分发挥科技在经济增长中的作用,是关系到经济能否高速发展的关键。 一、管理创新是我国经济发展的关键 经济的发展,固然需要丰富的资源与先进的技术,但更重要的还是组织经济的能力,即管理能力。管理是促进现代社会文明发展的三大支柱之一,它与科学和技术三足鼎立。一位当代著名的管理学权威曾说过:管理是促成社会经济发展的最基本的关键的因素。发展中国家经济落后,关键是由于管理落后。从这个意义上说,管现本身就是一种经济资源,在社会发挥作用。先进的技术,要有先进的管理与之相适应, Productivity is a dynamic system of self-movement rather than mechanically driven by external forces, that is, the contradiction between human and material and the contradiction between substantive and intellectual factors. Science and technology are the intellectual factors in the composition of productive forces. Because the progress of science and technology has led to the rapid development of productive forces, science and technology have become the main body of wealth creation. The progressive growth of science and technology has made it the most active and decisive factor in social productivity. How to give full play to the role of science and technology in economic growth is the key to the rapid economic development. I. Management Innovation is the Key Economic Development in China's Economic Development. Although rich resources and advanced technologies are needed, more important is the ability to organize the economy, that is, management capabilities. Management is one of the three pillars of promoting the development of civilization in modern society. It is in a position of tripartite confrontation with science and technology. A contemporary well-known authority in management once said that management is the most fundamental and crucial factor in social and economic development. The economic backwardness in developing countries is due to the backward management. In this sense, management is itself an economic resource that plays a role in society. Advanced technology, advanced management should be compatible with them,
教师是课堂教学活动的设计者和组织者 ,主导着课堂教学活动的全过程 ,而学生则是学习活动的主体 ,充分发挥教师导的作用 ,是促进学生学的关键。为此 ,教师必须致力于使“导”
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全美最大非上市公司的掌舵者,为什么如此充满紧迫感?江南的4月,在上海创新中心Cargill ONE,嘉吉集团全球董事长兼CEO麦伟德(David W.MacL ennan)兴致勃勃地品尝了厨师制作的
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各级组织的建立健全和会员队伍的壮大 ,为建家活动奠定了组织基础 ,为学会更好地开展各项活动创造了基本条件。办好学术年会我会每年召开一次学术年会 ,各级学会组织发动广大
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前 情 提 要  十月去咖啡馆面试服务生,在路上与一个阿伯发生了一段并不愉快的邂逅,又由于英文不过关而在面试过程中闹了不少笑话。更糟糕的是,静安突然提出要与十月一起做精品代理,并将装有商品的纸箱寄放在十月处。纸箱被学长团发现,以“不能在学校私自贩卖东西”为由将十月带到训导处。幸好有黄老师相助,十月才顺利避过严惩……    祸兮福所倚    放学后,我背起书包,抱着纸箱,离开班上。  我紧绷着脸,什