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   Today, if I have to speak of myself, I would speak about Lapo and not about Elkann or Agnelli or the dynasty or the family business,’cause the truth is my life is something else. People think that things come easily. The reality is you can have a name, a surname, you can have a big bank account, but the truth is if you build something, if what you build doesn’t have substance on the long run, you’re dead.
   Life gave me opportunities and chances, which most probably other young people don’t have, and haven’t had, so it’s very easy to talk from this very comfortable chair I’m talking from. My humble advice a young people is, first of all, to be prepared, because the work world is a war world.
   So, it means if you think of a great idea, there’s always someone who has a better one than yours, so prepare to fight. And fight doesn’t mean war, it means challenge yourself. It means, if you think that you’re wellprepared, there’s always someone better prepared than you. If you find that your idea is smart, further develop it because there’s always someone who’s gonna have more content than what you’re bringing on the market. And, if you can fight your battles as a team, it’s easier than alone. If you’re French and you have an opportunity to learn or grow in the U.S., go for it. If you have an opportunity in China, go for it. More international your youth is, stronger your opportunities can be.
   I would not say that it was necessary, because sadness, drama and certain things are…are not necessary, and luckily it’s the past and it’s over. But the truth I would say that, no pain, no gain. Now it seems a very stupid motto and very easy to apply, but the reality is if you don’t go through difficulties, you don’t understand the joys of life. I’m not saying you need to go through those, and I wouldn’t wish that, not even to my worst enemy, but the reality is, as I have gone through those, and as it’s part of my history and it’s part of my…my…luggage. I have no shame in it. It’s part of my life. It’s part of who I was, and it’s part of my past.
   If God allows me to go forward 10 years, and if life allows me to go forward 10 years, I think that, with all the humility in the world, sky is the limit. Life is made of two things. I have done a lot of my professional life, my personal life, I think there’s certain things I still yet have to do, but I hope I will do in the next 10, which is kids, maybe, and finding the right woman, which hasn’t been my strongest skill in my 36 years of my existence. But professionally I would say I have zero fear and I don’t have doubts that if I want what I’m dreaming of and what I want, I can achieve.   
  ·Lazy Manager·
   A middle management executive has to take on some sports, by his doctor’s, so he decides to play tennis.
   After a couple of weeks his secretary asks him how he’s doing “It’s going fine”, the manager says.“When I am on the court and I see the ball speeding towards me, and my brain immediately says,‘Back hand! To the net! Smash! Go back’”“Really? What happens then?” the secretary asks.
   “Then my bady says,‘Who? Me?Don’t talk nonsense!’”
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