Dimensionless study on outlet flow characteristics of an air-driven booster

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & E | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lzzwj
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Air-driven boosters are widely used to obtain high-pressure gas. Through analysis of the boosting process of an air-driven booster, the basic mathematical model of working processes can be set up. By selecting the appropriate reference values, the basic mathematical model is transformed to a dimensionless expression. Using MATLAB/Simulink for simulation and studying the booster experimentally, the dimensionless outlet flow characteristics of the booster were obtained and the simulation results agree well with the experimental results. Through analysis, it can be seen that the dimensionless outlet flow of the booster is mainly determined by the dimensionless input pressure of the driving chamber, the dimensionless outlet condition pressure of the booster and the dimensionless area of the piston in the driving chamber. The dimensionless average outlet flow becomes larger with an increasing dimensionless input pressure of the driving chamber, but it becomes smaller with an increase in the dimen- sionless outlet condition pressure of the booster. Especially when the dimensionless outlet condition pressure is approximately 1.4, the dimensionless average outlet flow reaches zero. With an increase in the dimensionless area of the piston in the driving chamber, the dimensionless average outlet flow increases and peaks at approximately 1.89, and after this peak, it starts to decrease. This research can be referred to in the design of air-driven boosters. Air-driven boosters are widely used to obtain high-pressure gas. Through analysis of the boosting process of an air-driven booster, the basic mathematical model of working processes can be set up. By selecting the appropriate reference values, the basic mathematical model Using MATLAB / Simulink for simulation and studying the booster experimentally, the dimensionless outlet flow characteristics of the booster were obtained and the simulation results agree well with the experimental results. Through analysis, it can be seen that the dimensionless outlet flow of the booster is mainly determined by the dimensionless input pressure of the driving chamber, the dimensionless outlet condition pressure of the booster and the dimensionless area of ​​the piston in the driving chamber. The dimensionless average outlet flow becomes larger with an increasing dimensionless input pressure of the driving chamber, but it becomes smaller with an increase in the Dimensionless outlet condition pressure of the booster. Especially when the dimensionless outlet condition pressure is approximately 1.4, the dimensionless average outlet flow reaches zero and peaks at approximately 1.89, and after this peak, it starts to decrease. This research can be referred to in the design of air-driven boosters.
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