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高职院校在我国教育中的一种特殊类型,其教育就业目的性明确,专业课程开设全部围绕着市场需求,致力于培养出能够直接面向生产、建设、管理、服务第一线的高素质技术技能人才为己任。顶岗实习是高职院校颇具特色的实践教学环节之一,具有明显的职业特征,牵动着高职院校、高职学生、实习企业之间三方的权益与责任。但是在高职学生顶岗实习中,常常潜伏着各种安全问题和劳动风险。笔者在此仅从劳动法律法规角度对高职学生顶岗实习中的劳动风险进行简要探讨。探讨的重点将围绕学生的人身权、休息权、报酬权、劳动保护权等是学生最主要的权益。 Vocational education in our country is a special type of education, education and employment purpose of a clear, professional courses opened all around the market demand, is committed to cultivating a direct production, construction, management, service first-line high-quality Technical skills personnel as their responsibility. Internship is one of the characteristics of practical teaching in higher vocational colleges, with obvious professional characteristics, affects the tripartite rights and responsibilities of higher vocational colleges, vocational students, and internship enterprises. However, in the internship of vocational students, they often lurk various safety problems and labor risks. The author here only from the perspective of labor laws and regulations of vocational students in internship in labor risk a brief discussion. The focus of the discussion will focus on students' personal rights, rest rights, remuneration rights, labor protection rights are the most important interests of students.
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The sex discrimination in labor force facing China exists in both private and public sector.In this paper the author introduced the previous findings on this to
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她是一个开心果,扎着两条小辫子,一双水灵灵的眼睛,一张小嘴没停过,11岁了,个子高高的,挺有神儿的。她是一个天真、爱开玩笑的女孩。一天,爷 She is a pistachio, with two
NSFC Vice President Prof.Shen Yan attended the Second China-Thailand Joint Workshop on Natural Products and Drug Discovery held in Thailand between November 25t
新闻事件: 在上海政协一次关于“节约型社会”的讨论会上,有的委员提出: 中小学课本一说到中国就是“地大物博”,但从资源总量来看,中国的现有资源并不丰富,人均资源拥有量更