Scientific and technological progress and innovation of Three Gorges Project

来源 :Engineering Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:macgrady2006
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In the design,construction and operation periods of the Three Gorges Project (TGP),great challenges have been met in different fields such as water resources and hydropower project construction,electromechanical equipment manufacture and ecological environment protection.In view of the key techniques and difficulties in the construction period,scientific and technological breakthroughs have been made by the experts and scholars of various fields and a series of innovative achievements are gained,which make the scientific and technological levels in relevant fields improved.Some major innovative achievements in the construction and operation of TGP are enumerated,which are significant for the hydropower project construction and clean energy development in the future in China. In the design, construction and operation periods of the Three Gorges Project (TGP), great challenges have been met in different fields such as water resources and hydropower project construction, electromechanical equipment manufacture and ecological environment protection. In view of the key techniques and difficulties in the construction period, scientific and technological breakthroughs have been made by the experts and scholars of various fields and a series of innovative achievements are gained, which make the scientific and technological levels in relevant fields improved. Major major innovative achievements in the construction and operation of TGP are enumerated, which are significant for the hydropower project construction and clean energy development in the future in China.
地方性甲状腺肿病区可分以下几种类型 :1 山区。尤其是喜马拉雅山区、阿尔卑斯山区以及美洲的安第斯山脉地区都是地甲病的患区。某些石灰岩、白云岩地区 ,石多土少 ,土壤中
全国风景名胜区工作会议于 2000年 12月 25日至 27日在广州市召开了。这次会议是经建设部党组研究决定召开的,重点是研究贯彻落实温家宝副总理关于风景名胜区工作指示和国办发
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目的 研究探讨糖尿病患者血液流变性的改变。方法 用R-20锥板式粘度计检测58例糖尿病人血液流变学指标,与50例正常人对照。结果 糖尿病患者全血粘度增高以中切L和低切为明显,