Tianhuangping: A Pumped-Storage Power Plant

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The Tianmu Mountain spans the northwestern part of Zhejiangprovince.Stretching for several hundred kilometers,forests form anundulating green sea.In the middle part of the mountain,the constructionof a pumped-storage hydropower station is in rapid progress.This is Tianhuangping power station,a key state project.Whenthe construction is completed,its generating capacity will amount to 1.8 million kilowatts.In terms of scale and equipment,Tianhuangpingpower station Will be leading me world for its powerful pumped hydrostorage.The mechanism of pumped storage can be compared to giant storagebattery in which mechanical rather than electric power is stored intermittently.During the off-peak hours excess electricity produced byother power plants is consumed to pump water from a lower reservoir toa higher-level reservoir for storage.During peak hours,the water isallowed to flow down between the reservoirs through turbines in order togenerate electricity.The Tianhuangping pumped-storage plant willconsume per year The Tianmu Mountain spans the northwestern part of Zhejiangprovince.Stretching for several hundred kilometers, forests form anundulating green sea.In. The middle part of the mountain, the construction of a pumped-storage hydropower station is in rapid progress.This is Tianhuangping power station, a key state project.Whenthe construction is completed, its generating capacity will amount to 1.8 million kilowatts. terms of scale and equipment, Tianhuangpingpower station Will be leading me world for its powerful pumped hydrostorage. The mechanism of pumped storage can be compared to giant storagebattery in which mechanical rather than electric power is stored intermittently. During the off-peak hours excess electricity produced byother power plants is consumed to pump water from a lower reservoir toa higher-level reservoir for storage. between the reservoirs through turbines in order togenerate electricity. Tianhuangping pumped-storage plant wi llconsume per year
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