Jane Austen’s Art of Irony in Characterization

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  【Abstract】Pride and Prejudice, a well known novel by Jane Austen has employed ironic technique in characterization, and has proved that Jane Austen has been a wonder of the novelist and contributed a lot to literary world.
  【Key words】Irony Pride and Prejudice Characterization
  Virginia Woolf once confessed that “of all great writers”, she found Jane Austen “the most difficult to catch in the act of greatness” (Southan 1976:5), a judgment that many critics would echo. As a great wonder among novel writers, Jane Austen made her success without recourse to the usual elements and allurements of popular fiction. She had the integrity to restrict herself to life as she knew it. In her world of novels, all happened in the quiet English countryside. The plots revolve around the intricacies of courtship and marriage between members of her own class---the middle class.
  Jane Austen is a perfect master of irony in the literary world. She had carried on the tradition of irony of the western literature and at the mean time developed it into more mature art of irony with highly sensitive artistic experience. In her works, irony is not only presented by satirical tones and ironical remarks, but also portraying characters; it can be found not only in the arrangement of some separate scenes and plots, but also in the overall planning of the whole story. Irony is the satisfactory way by which Jane Austen gained knowledge from and made comments on human lives. Also, irony is the key-tone and the symbol of style of her novels.
  Pride and Prejudice is one of the most consummate novels by the extensive use of Austen’s ironic craft. Readers are usually overwhelmed with admiration for its wit, artistic economy, polished style, good humor and unique features of the language. While in a word, it is the delicate craft of irony that makes it so wonderful a masterpiece. In the following paragraphs, Pride and Prejudice will be taken as an example to study subtly on her brilliant art in this respect.
  I. Irony Used for the “Flat Characters”
  Among those Jane Austen portrays, characters can be divided into two kinds: “flat” and “round”. Flat characters refer to those secondary characters who are simple and sarcastic, and who are usually directly ridiculed by the author. They can be subdivided into three types: 1. Characters absolutely lack disposition, like Mrs.Bennet; 2. Characters lack both disposition and morals, such as Mr. Collins; 3. Characters lack more morals than disposition, such as Wickham’s kind. Of these three types, the first two are the commonest in Austen’s world of novels. She often gives more teasing than sarcasm to these “flat” characters. On portraying these characters, basically Jane Austen combines the irony with realistically description. First, she “emphasized nose or eyebrows in a cartoon(Richard and Simpson)”, then she let this character show himself (or herself) on different occasions to prove her descriptions. With caricaturist exaggeration, the author uses varied ironic techniques. On this account, Mrs.Bennet is the most vivid example.Austen makes a comment on her “She was a woman of mean understanding, little information, and uncertain temper. When she was discontented she fancied herself nervous. The business of her life was to get her daughter married; its solace was visiting and news.(p3, Pride and Prejudice)   How sarcastic the comment is. While Jane Austen does not exaggerate at all, in the previous and beginning of the story, from the conversation between Mrs. Bennet and her husband, we can know a little about her “mean understanding” and “her business of life”.we can see a narrow-minded, selfish and mean woman. Without some further knowledge of that young man, she has already regarded him as her property! She is eager to marry any of her daughters to him just because he has four or five thousand pounds a year! Now let’s see another scene. When Mrs. Bennet was informed by her husband that she had to receive Mr. Collins who would take over their estate from their own daughters after their death, her performance testifies what kind of person she is.
  Mrs. Bennet is one of the few characters whom Jane Austen ridicules directly with ironic comments. In depicting such first type of “round” character, this method is the commonest one. While in most cases, Austen seldom gives a direct account on the character’s nature. We can only gradually learn who a person is by accompanying him (or her), listening to him (or her) and observing his (or her) behaviors. In my opinion, Austen makes full use of this method in portraying the second type of “flat” character and here Mr. Collins deserves to be singled out for analyzing. His each word, each act and each intention implies some profound irony.
  First, Jane Austen presents him to the readers by his letter to Mr. Bennet. By reading that stupid, cumbersome and affected style of letter, we sketch a man of pretentiousness, snobbishness and self-importance in front of us. Then when he presents himself in the Bennet’s family, preparing to propose to one of the daughters, whom he is obliged to deprive of their inheritance and at the same time thinking highly of his behaviors as great as “Jesus”, his mean personality is revealed to the readers completely. Austen’s description with irony of the sublime and undisturbed complacence of his arrival, of the scene when he compliments Mrs. Bennet on “having so fine a family of daughters”, and adds that he does not doubt her seeing them all in time well disposed of in marriage, is inimitable. When he receives Elizabeth’s refusal to marry him with undisturbed complacence, attributing it to “your wish of increasing my love by suspense, according to the usual practice of elegant females,” (Pinion,1973:28), the situation rises to one of the most genuine comedy, and our only regret is that Mr. Collin’s adventures have never been adapted for the stage.   While what is more interesting and attractive is that Miss Austen does not even let her victim escape her when he is married and has left the central scene. She pursues him to his home with the smile growing a little broader in her eyes. Now let’s see what happens when Elizabeth spends her holidays at Collin’s home.
  We can see clearly a mean person from these few words of comments. Then his pompous assurance that “he has no hesitation in saying” that his goddess and patroness Lady Catherine, will include his cousin in her invitations ---his triumph when the party is asked to dinner---the pride with which he takes his seat at ladyship’s command, looking “as if he felt that life could furnish nothing greater”---the “delight alacrity” with which he carved and ate and praised---his game at cards with his august patroness after dinner, in which “he was employed in agreeing to everything her ladyship said, thanking her for every fish he won, and apologizing if he thought he won too much,”(Jones 1987:37)---are all so many touches which add perfection to the picture.
  Jane Austen, with no pity in her heart, walks round and round him, giving here and there a skillful touch to bring out the picture. Ironic technique reaches its perfection in this characterization of Mr. Collins.
  II. Irony Used for the “Round Characters”
  The technique used in portraying major characters (“round” characters) is somewhat different. Generally speaking, its characteristic is: depicting those eccentricity, misconception and self-contradiction in personalities by the use of irony and at the same time composing irony by comparing the changes and development of personalities on different stages of the novel so that the development of personalities is revealed. Take Elizabeth as a typical example. Undoubtedly Elizabeth is an outstanding character with high intelligence. Her cleverness, vividness and self integrity make her superior to her sisters. Nevertheless, she can not after all escape from that “truth universally acknowledged” and takes part in the ball. There apparently she dislikes Darcy because of his arrogance, while the fact is that at the ball her pride is hurt by Darcy’s ignorance. From then on the origin of her prejudice toward Darcy has come into being. Only think about it a little thoroughly, we can find that here Miss Austen has already made use of irony to ridicule Elizabeth’s vulgarity. Then comes the complaisance of Wickham. Elizabeth was captivated by him at once and ready to accept what he said about Darcy. Here Jane Austen doesn’t even show any sympathy upon her beloved heroine. To her, no one is perfect. Every human being needs to take a long way to achieve real completeness of characteristics. Elizabeth, with deep-rooted prejudice toward Darcy, seek each possible chance to attack Darcy, which in fact shows off her own narrow mindedness, pride and prejudice. Elizabeth revenges on Darcy’s “arrogance” toward her at the second ball.   After reading their conversation, our first reaction is to clap for Elizabeth’s quick wittedness. When she says: “Mr. Darcy is all politeness,” she implies some teasing meanings. In fact she intends to ridicule on Darcy’s “grave propriety”. But on the other hand, we should feel regret for Elizabeth’s narrow mindedness. She judges persons all by her subjective learning. Her “archness” covers her “opinionatedness” and leads to her misunderstanding toward Darcy. Maybe Darcy shows off some unconscious arrogance, while hers is conscious arrogance which is more serious a weak point in a person’s personality.
  When we read the dialogue between Darcy and Elizabeth, Apparently, Jane Austen seems to show us how Elizabeth ridicules Darcy on his pride. But by the time we have reached this passage in the novel we know enough of Darcy’s nature, and Elizabeth’s pride of judgment, to realize that the questions tend more to an illustration of her characteristic than of his. In this exchange Jane Austen is depending on an immediate grasp of the inherent dramatic irony, and she has carefully prepared her audience by allowing them to see more of the truth of the situation than any one character can perceive. But a first encounter with this passage does not exhaust its ironic implications, and only in retrospect---or upon second reading---do we understand its relation to the total pattern of dramatic action. The point about such complicated irony is that it depends on a full external revelation of rely more upon what they say and do more than upon the author’s comments. Jane Austen, with her genius on thought and gentle irony which controls every page of the novel, makes us feel a wonderful balance between sense and sensibility. Austen is good at the most subtle usage of irony. On portraying Elizabeth, from “prejudice” to “refusal of proposal” to “learning the truth” to “ashamedness” to “ regret” then to “affection” and at last to “awareness of love”; from the first chapter to the end of the story, Miss Austen makes irony on her without batting an eyelid. She ridicules that how difficult it is for a person with intelligence to get rid of prejudice and acquire real knowledge. On this account, irony has become a forceful means to reveal the course of development of characteristics of characters.
  So to summarize Austen’s contributions to characterization by the use of irony, we say that she has developed the portrayal of “flat” characters by using various ironic techniques, and at he mean time, she has applied the usage to the portrayal of major characters so as to reveal their complex personalities combined with both merits and defects and its process of development. This is of a significant importance, for it has broken the “perfect positive protagonist in western fiction.”(朱琳 1987:26)   By now, we have already had a subtle and comprehensive study of Jane Austen’s ironic techniques on characterization, so we can make a fairly equitable conclusion that, on this account, Jane Austen is unique. Particularly in Pride and Prejudice, she makes use of this skill to the most vivid and incisive extent. She and her novels are treasures of the literary world. She has gained importance by her dramatic insight, her dialogues and even more the evocation of experience mediated through the minds of her principle characters. To me, her most significant feat lies in her unparalleled technique of irony which she has contributed to the English literature.
  [1]Austen Jane, Pride and Prejudice, Beijing: Foreign Language Learning Publishing House,1991.
  [2]Jones Vivien, How to Study a Jane Austen’s Novel, London: Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1987.
  [3]Pinion F. B, A Jane Austen Companion. London: Macmillan Education Ltd., 1973.
他的温暖无私无言,却充满力量。  我欣赏阳光的少年,因为无论何时,他的心总是向着阳光,和他相处是有温度的,经常令人有也要成为那种光源的憧憬。  元旦前夕,按照社团的惯例,大家是要相互写明信片的。而我作为社团的新成员,很荣幸地收到了来自高二学长学姐们的各种祝福,还收到了一份从遥远的“高三西伯利亚地区”发来的祝福,明信片上的字体清秀端正,写满了关心和期望,但最奇怪的一点是——这份来自高三的祝福竟没有署
我是一个科普作者,经常需要搜索科学方面的信息。现在网上有海量的信息,如果要靠自己的知识来判断所有信息的对错,那是不可能的,没有这么博学多才的人。更何况我并非一个“科班出身”的科普作家,作为文科生,我在写科普文章中慢慢练就了判断信息的能力。   古代的皇帝身边有一群谋士,帮助他们鉴别信息的真假。在现代,我们也可以在网络上找到自己的“谋士”,来判断科学知识的真伪。我举一个例子,来说明寻找“谋士”的过
【摘要】本文笔者根据自己的一节七年级英语书面表达课的实践,笔者深有感悟,把课堂教给学生,让学生主宰课堂,放手给学生,培养学生的自主学习、合作探究的能力,比教师苦口婆心讲效果好百倍。教学中,不能怕学生出错,而英语课往往因错误而精彩。  【关键词】初中英语 书面表达 错误 精彩课堂  有效课堂、精彩课堂是新课改下大家共同的目标,如何打造精彩课堂,让在课堂绽放光彩和魅力,仁者见仁智者见智。笔者在一节英语
红色枫叶 问:  上高中后,突然发现上课要很努力才能跟上节奏,完成作业也要费好大的劲,每天都好累。可我明明已经很努力了,为什么依旧感到心有余而力不足?难道这就是“高中速度”?新手上高速路,求支招!  陈 萍 答:  如何及时跟上传说中的“高中速度”,在高中初期踩准步伐节拍很关键。  首先,我们要了解高中学习的三个特点:1. 知识体系变庞大,学科增多,内容加深;2. 学习方式有所不同,主动性更强;3
青春期真是一个神奇的东西  各种莫名的冲动在身体里荡漾  想要诉说,想要独立,还有——  想要变得美丽  看时尚杂志会怦然心动  偶遇潮人会暗自留心  看着平凡的自己,总有一个声音从心底响起:  酷酷的时尚范儿,我该如何拥有你!  · 学生篇 ·  君左:时尚就是杂志上印的那些大牌服装吧,有些看着还不错,但有些真的“接受无能”,所以在我心里,时尚就是常人难以驾驭的东西。同样的衣服,穿在明星身上,搭
【Abstract】Metaphor as a rhetorical device is widely used in advertisements,many scholars has studied metaphors in advertisements from rhetoric and semantic perspectives.However with the development of
万物生长的春天,最适合发现之旅。这个春天,你又发现了什么美丽呢?快来把你的春天送给我们,说不定我们也会送你一个“春天”哦!  我发现了春天  清晨校园的墙角边,一株小草冒出了头;家里阳台上,爸爸种的盆栽抽了新芽……春天正不紧不慢地赶来,我们的身边悄悄出现了许多“小萌物”“小惊喜”。  现在,带上你的爪机或相机,去发现身边的春天,把照片上传至 “爱摄影·爱生活”圈子,你就有机会获得一盆多肉植物哦! 
【摘要】写作一直被公认为是听、说、读、写四项技能中最难提高的一项。一方面,学生词汇量的限制,汉语思维的干扰,匮于语言表达,而另一方面,缺乏生活经验。英语写作是中考试题中检测同学们书面表达能力的综合类主观试题,侧重于考查同学们的观察能力、组织运用语言能力及想象发散思维能力。  【关键词】写作 科技渗透 影响因素 提高技巧  “科教兴国”是我国一项重大决策,它将教育与科学技术摆在国家紧急、社会发展的重
江苏省锡山高级中学校长唐江澎在全国“两会”上的发言火了。唐校长说,学生没有分数,就过不了今天的高考,但如果只有分数,恐怕也赢不了未来的大考,好的教育应该是培养终身运动者、责任担当者、问题解决者和优雅生活者。   热爱运动,担当责任,解决问题,我们比较容易理解,那么优雅生活该如何理解呢?唐校长解释说,优雅生活者善于发现美,欣赏卓越,能够欣赏他人之美,有包容心,注重生活的品位和细节,能够给生活和他人