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温州曾经是一个偏居海隅、被丛山阻隔的中等城市,为什么会不时给中国乃至世界一个惊奇!? 70年代,温州被称为“资本主义复辟的黑样板”。80年代初,改革的浪潮在中国刚刚涌动,温州已是惊涛拍岸。后来,“温州模式”传遍大江南北。有人说温州人机巧,难听的叫会钻营、会折腾;好听的叫绝处逢生、逆风起飞。温州人善商可谓源远流长,哪里有市场,那里就出现温州人,这是对温州人的中肯评价。如今,随着我国社会主义市场经济体系的建立,温州经济发展出现了更多令人回味的现象。这次,中央党校国家经贸委分部赴华东调查组的7位同志(他们是谢荣全、狄娜、张新安、隋元春、刘一玲、王选庆和王晓生),于6月中旬专程来浙江就温州经济发展、企业改革等有关情况进行了为期一周的调查,并写了长达万余字的调查报告。包装是国民经济的重要组成部分,既是为经济服务,受到经济的制约,同时又能引导、促进经济发展。作为包装工作者,应多了解一些国民经济的全局和典型。因此,这一报告对我们包装企业也不无启迪,现摘要发表如下,以飨读者。 Wenzhou was once a medium-sized city that lived in the sea and was blocked by Congshan. Why did it surprise China and the world from time to time? In the 1970s, Wenzhou was called the “Black Model of Capitalist Restoration”. In the early 1980s, the wave of reforms had just begun to emerge in China, and Wenzhou was already a searing rush. Later, the “Wenzhou model” spread all over the north and south. Some people say that Wenzhou people are clever, ugly call will drill camp, will toss; nice call out of life, take the wind off. Wenzhou people’s good business can be described as a long history, where there is a market, there will be Wenzhou people, this is a fair evaluation of Wenzhou people. Today, with the establishment of China’s socialist market economy system, there are more evocative phenomena in Wenzhou’s economic development. This time, the 7 members of the Investigation Team of the Central Party School State Economic and Trade Commission visited the East China team (they were Xie Rongquan, Dina, Zhang Xin’an, Zhai Yuanchun, Liu Yiling, Wang Xuanqing, and Wang Xiaosheng). They made a special trip to Zhejiang in the middle of June to discuss the Wenzhou economy. A week-long investigation was conducted on development and enterprise reforms, and an investigation report with more than 10,000 words was written. Packaging is an important part of the national economy. It is not only for the economy but also for the economy, while at the same time it can guide and promote economic development. As a packaging worker, we should understand more about the overall situation and typical of the national economy. Therefore, this report is not without inspiration to our packaging companies. The summary is published as follows for readers.
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说起恐龙,大家的第一反应是美国,谁让《侏罗纪公园》那么有名呢?其实,中国才是世界上发现恐龙化石种类最多的国家。截至2014年,中国出土的恐龙品种有170余种,排名世界第一!  下面这些博物馆里,收藏了很多珍贵的恐龙化石。其中,四川自贡恐龙博物馆的馆藏可不少。  永川龙  它是中国名气最响的肉食恐龙,体长约10米,有很强的奔跑和跳跃能力,加上巨大的体型,绝对是侏罗纪晚期的顶级杀手。  禄(lù)丰龙