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认识侗族第一位国家一级女作家兼学者刘芝凤,是5年前在广西南宁“中国首届人类学高级论坛”上。在为数不多的文化人类学女专家学者中,刘芝凤比较抢眼。虽然她是从边远的湘西怀化来,并没有出身国家高校院所,然而,她那带着泥土芳香的本质,朴实无华、快人快语、永远充满生命活力的形象,以及她带来的由人民出版社出版的3部文化人类学、民俗学专著,给会让所有的人留下了比较深刻的印象。我们最初对这位女作家和民俗学家的关注与了解,也出之那短短几天的接触之中。大会发言中,她甩开论文,从文化人类学角度谈少数民族民俗田野作业和稻作文化的问题,如数家珍般介绍一个个鲜活生动的个案,引起到会新闻媒体的注意。在以后的几年中,每年我们都会收到她出版的两三本新书,且每本都是精品。这几年刘芝凤不仅长篇小说畅销,写得生动感人,学术专著也获得了中国民间文艺理论“山花奖”、湖南省社会科学成果奖、湖南省哲学社会科学基金奖、湖南怀化市政府突出贡献奖。其摄影作品竟然也获得中央电视台与中国摄影家协会举办的“聚焦西部”摄影奖。除此之外,由她策划、组织的几次国际、国内稻作文化学术研讨会,引起国内外民俗学界的重视与影响。中国工程院院士、杂交水稻之父袁隆平为她题词“侗女多才”,非常形象的向世人介绍我国这位多才多艺的侗女。当我们再次走近刘芝凤,熟悉之后,才了解到在这些光环背后的湘西侗女那坎坷、传奇的身世与经历……时间:2006年元月7日地点:北京国际会展酒店 Recognizing Liu Zhifeng, the first female writer and scholar in the Dong nationality, was on the “China's First High-level Anthropological Forum of China” in Nanning, Guangxi Province five years ago. In one of the few cultural anthropology female experts and scholars, Liu Zhi Feng more eye-catching. Although she came from Huaihua, a remote country in western Hunan, she did not come from a national college or university. However, her image of earthly aroma, plainness, cheerfulness and vitality is always full of vitality and the image she brings from People's Publishing House Published three cultural anthropology, folklore monographs, will give all people left a deep impression. We first came to the attention and understanding of this woman writer and folklorist, but also came out of contact within a few days. In the speech of the General Assembly, she dismissed her dissertation and discussed the issues of minority fieldwork and paddy culture from the perspective of cultural anthropology. She introduced a vivid and vivid case from a cultural and anthropological point of view, which attracted the attention of the news media. In the next few years, each year we receive her two or three new books, each of which is a premium. In recent years, Liu Zhifeng not only sold his best novel and wrote vividly, but also received monographs such as “Shanhua Award” for Chinese folklore, Hunan Social Science Achievement Award, Hunan Philosophy and Social Science Fund Award, Hunan Huaihua Municipal Government Outstanding Contribution Award . His photographs have also won the “Focus on the West” photography award held by China Central Television and the China Photographers Association. In addition, several international and domestic rice culture academic symposia organized and organized by her have aroused the attention and influence of the folklore scholars at home and abroad. Yuan Longping, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the father of hybrid rice, gave her the inscription “A Talented Girl of Dong Women” and introduced the versatile young girl of our country to the world in a very vivid way. When we approached Liu Zhifeng once more, we learned about the ups and downs and legendary experiences and experiences of the Dongxi Girls in the aura of these times ... Time: January 7, 2006 Venue: Beijing International Convention and Exhibition Hotel
过氟氢菲 (Perfluoroperhydrophenanthrene,PFPh ,又名Vitreon)液体 ,以其比重大、表面张力大、屈光系数与玻璃体极为接近 ,不溶于水和血液 ,光学透明 ,易注入和取出等特性倍
摘要:阅读理解是语言学习中最重要的基本技能之一,阅读是获取语言知识最直接最有效的方法,阅读能力则是衡量掌握语言综合能力的一项重要标志。本文对初中生在英语阅读中容易产生的问题,从培养学生的阅读兴趣,激发学生的阅读激情入手,提出了解决办法。  关键词:英语教学;阅读兴趣;阅读理解;阅读能力    在英语学习中,我们既要说得快,又要看得快,无论是在中考还是高考中,阅读都占有举足轻重,不可忽视的作用,仅就
北京出入境检验检疫局从赤道几内亚入境旅客携带的可乐果中检出象甲,经技术中心植物实验室鉴定,并由德国象甲分类学家Jens Prena复核,确认为Balanogastris kolae(Desbrochers
An experiment is conducted to investigate the effects of lubricant10#, which contains extreme pressure additives T304 and T305, on the rolling contact fatigue (
研究后部眼球壁灰褐色隆起物——脉络膜血肿及脉络膜黑色素瘤的声像学表现 ,以便对其进行声像学鉴别诊断。方法 :对 FFA确诊为脉络膜血肿和手术病理证实为脉络膜黑色素瘤的 1