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国有企业总体经济效益在低迷之中持续了7年之后,今年上半年终于放出了一道亮丽光彩。由此,专家认为,当前我国经济正处于转折关头,建议抓住景气回升机遇,把握正确方向,扩大投资,加快发展。宏观经济的良好发展势态使部分专家开始寻找下一轮改革和发展的空间。 国有企业要真正把现代企业制度建立 After the overall economic efficiency of state-owned enterprises lasted seven years, the first half of this year finally released a glorious luster. Therefore, experts believe that at present, China’s economy is at a turning point. It is suggested that we seize the opportunity for economic recovery, grasp the correct direction, expand investment and speed up development. The good macroeconomic development has led some experts to find room for the next round of reform and development. State-owned enterprises should really establish a modern enterprise system
Recent crystallographic analysis of the metal centers in the nitrogenasemolybdenum-iron protein with 0.22 and 0.27 nm resolution revealed the structural model
中国社会科学院日前召开经济形势座谈会,与会专家一致认为,有效需求不足仍是当前我国经济运行的主要矛盾。对此,他们提出推动经济发展十项政策建议: 一、继续实行扩张性财政
A new specimen discovered from the Falang Formation in northeastern Yunnan represents the most complete skeleton of Triassic pistosauroids.The new specimen is r
从晶场吸收谱出发论证了CaMg[Si2O6]的晶场稳定能 The crystal stability of CaMg [Si2O6] was demonstrated from the absorption spectra of the crystal
中国(海南)改革发展研究院、中国经济体制改革研究会和德国技术合作公司在海口联合举办了“中国基础领域改革国际论坛”。在此我们整理了与会学者的部分观点。 非国有经济参
目的:采用表面等离子共振(surface plasmon resonance,SPR)生物传感器测定β-淀粉样多肽(Ap)人源性单链抗体E3 scfv的亲和力。方法:将Aβ_(1-40)固定于传感芯片表面,以E3 scf