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  1. “I think a lot of public school systems fail to see___________importance of play,” says Auston Parks,___________assistant professor of early childhood education at the University of Georgia.
  A. 不填; an B. the; 不填 C. an; an D. the; the
  2. —Wait ___________I go back for my raincoat in the office.
  —Don’t bother. The weather report said it would clear up by noon.
  A. while B. until C. before D. when
  3. The future of life on Earth is tied to___________of the Sun, and over time, the Sun will become brighter and brighter.
  A. that B. one C. some D. any
  4. Look around a city at rush hours___________you’ll probably notice that most cars contain only one person, though they have seating for four and space for their luggage.
  A. or B. but C. so D. and
  5. Eagerly but carefully, the boys put on special equipment, preparing to dive into the ocean and see first-hand___________lies beneath the surface.
  A. what B. where C. that D. how
  6. After graduating from high school, Elvis recorded a song for his mother,___________attracted the attention of a producer.
  A. who B. what C. which D. that
  7. It was then, at breakfast before we made our journey down,___________my father said he was proud of me.
  A. where B. when C. that D. which
  8. We don’t have any convincing evidence in our investigation___________he is the real criminal in the case.
  A. how B. where C. which D. that
  9. For some men out there women are seen as people who need to be rescued from___________is taking place in their lives.
  A. that B. what C. who D. which
  10. Lincoln, whose election caused the break-up of the Union,___________if Buchanan had not split his own party.
  A. should not have been elected B. need not have been elected
  C. can not have been elected D. would not have been elected
  11. Many people who decide to run away think they’ll find a life that’s free of the troubles they have at home,___________they’re faced with different, bigger problems.
  A. only to discover B. discovering C. to be discovered D. discovered
  12. When___________into German, Pepsi’s popular slogan,“Come Alive with Pepsi” came out implying “Come Alive from the Grave”.
  A. translating B. translated
  C. having been translated D. being translated
  13. When searching for jobs online, be sure to keep a parent or other adults___________of what you’re doing.   A. informed B. informing C. to inform D. being informed
  14. Much close as___________to the Arctic, some parts of Iceland are brilliantly green at the right time of year. Anyhow, it has never been called “Green Land”.
  A. they are B. are they C. it is D. is it
  15. To be responsible for how one feels is one thing and yet it is quite___________to feel responsible for how other people feel.
  A. the other B. another C. others D. other
  16. A new research suggests that keeping the mind active___________the health of the brain, even in old age.
  A. preserving B. preserves C. should preserve D. preserved
  17. By the time a baby takes its first breath, many of the key pathways between nerves .
  A. were made B. is being made C. have been made D. will be made
  18. —Miss, you___________17 dresses in three hours, but would you like to buy one?
  —Of course not. I thought this was the only way I could wear them when I saw the price.
  A. have tried B. tried C. will try D. are trying
  19. If one was to take a look at their fellow human beings, it would be clear that they___________all separate.
  A.were B. will be C. are D. be
  20. —What were you up to when she dropped in?
  —I___________for a while and___________some reading.
  A. had played; did B. played; did
  C. had played; was going to do D. was playing; was going to do
华为终情局首届科幻超短篇小说创作大赛作品精选银奖作品  将军走下登陆艇,踏上光滑坚硬的冰面。巨大的木星占据了他头顶夜空中的很大一块视野,仿佛一只充血的眼睛,冷冷俯瞰着这位不速之客。  木卫六——那些天文学家用这个干巴巴的名字称呼这颗卫星。将军摇了摇头,他还是喜欢这颗卫星的另一个名字——赫斯提亚。  赫斯提亚是希腊神话中的灶神,掌管火焰、光明、温暖,以及希望。可惜的是,这些词没一个能跟木卫六搭上边。
人物形象分析是现代文阅读考查的重点。下面是小说《喂自己影子吃饭的人》,我们且从文后习题的典型错解,来看如何正确分析小说的人物形象。  喂自己影子吃饭的人  [阿根廷]莱·巴尔莱塔  晚饭时,饭店里走进一位高个儿,面容和蔼,脸上的笑容矜持而又惨淡。  他风度翩翩地走上前台,朗声说道:  “诸位,敝人十分愿意应邀在此介绍一种奇迹,迄今无人能窥见其奥妙。近年来,敝人深入自己影子的心灵,努力探索其需求和爱
高考模拟题精选之数学(理科)选择题参考答案  1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. D 7. D 8. A 9. D 10. B  11. D 12. D 13. C 14. C 15. B 16. C 17. D 18. B 19. A 20. D  21. D  高考模拟题精选之数学(理科)填空题参考答案  1. 10 2. 3π或 3. 5  6. 7. (2n-1) 8.
★★ 难度中等  ★★★难度较高  ★★ 1. 如图1所示,已知函数f(x)=2sinxcos(x-φ)0b>0),其离心率为,且椭圆过点  ,.  (1) 求椭圆的方程;  (2) 如图5所示,直线l:x=与x轴交于G点.设椭圆的左顶点为A,过椭圆右焦点F的直线交椭圆于B,C两点,AB与AC的延长线分别交直线l于D,E两点,记△ABC的面积为S1,△ADE的面积为S2,求的最大值.  ★★ 12
【题目】  阅读下面的文字,根据要求作文。(60分)  我沿路,得到七个微笑、三个白眼,我就用七成的力气回应微笑,三成的力气回应白眼;我吃到的食物,七次好吃、三次难吃,我就用七成的味觉享受美味,三成的味觉忍受苦涩。我无意放大世界的善意,也无意放大世界的恶意,只是依照比例,老实地接收有晴有雨的天气;世界与我,互相而已!  ——蔡康永《给无聊大人的诚实短信》  对此你有什么看法?写一篇文章阐述你的观点
乍看不起眼的“运算”是不少同学的“弱项”,运算错误则是试卷上的“硬伤”.多年解题经验告诉我们:运算的基本要求是“算则对”,发展要求是“少算且对”,最高境界是“不算而对”.如何在“算对”的基础上“少算”甚至“不算”?且看“算对有招”之——    “逻辑”和“计算”犹如DNA双螺旋结构中的两条长链,支撑并推进着数学的解题过程.当“计算”陷入困境,则可乘“逻辑”之“翼”,或暂避锋芒,或突出重围,另寻解题
编者按:《黄河》创刊于1985年,至今走过整整30年的历程。为了总结已过去30年来所取得的成就和存在的不足,以及本省文学创作的成果,我社于2015年12月7日在太原召开了“黄河文学创作促进会”,来自省城的70余位作家、评论家、编辑和媒体等各界同仁出席了会议。会议由社长刘淳主持。会场气氛热烈,发言踊跃精彩,为《黄河》未来的发展留下宝贵的意见和长长的话题。  刘淳:尊敬的李玉臻先生,尊敬的各位领导、各
周润豪  教养出自内心的善良  社会崇尚教养,舆论褒扬善举,这在一定程度上推动了社会道德水平的提升,但也造成了“伪教养”大行其道——有意地去做“有教养”的事,事后忙请媒体宣传。这是种快速成名的方法,但不可称为“有教养”。  为何民工慢慢等地铁的朴素行为能打动人心?因为他们的善良是自然流露的,不是为了博取关注。善良是教养的原动力,越过善良,单求表现,那是矫揉造作。  苏宇玥  教养,显于慎独  去年
在科幻小说和电影中,外星生物可谓光怪陆离、超乎想象。千奇百怪的外星环境,必然孕育出千姿百态的奇异生物。但,并非所有的奇异生物都必须诞生于怪异的外星环境之中。且看——  这是一家历史悠久的老店,古色古香的实木招牌高悬着。食客们坐在上岁数的餐桌边,嗅着空气中飘荡的醇厚弥香。  后厨中,一口大锅在文火的舔舐下焖煮着祖传了几百年的老汤。  无人知晓这老锅已加过多少水,填过多少料,又扒拉出多少渣。自它被架上
提问: 函数图象题常常会要求我们判断导函数与原函数的图象关系,那究竟该如何判断呢?图象中是否存在一些特殊的点可以作为判断依据呢?  回答: 在某一区间上,导数值的正负能直接反映出原函数在该区间上是单调递增还是单调递减;而原函数单调递增或单调递减的速度则是由导函数绝对值的大小来决定的.当原函数由慢到快递增或递减时,导函数的绝对值由小变大;当原函数由快到慢递增或递减时,导函数的绝对值由大变小.  下面