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“映心湖,湖映心,心心相映;老爷庙,庙老爷,爷爷不老。”驻守在中蒙边境老爷庙口岸的新疆军区边防某团三连官兵们口口相传着这么一副既粗豪又有点意境的对联。戈壁滩里竟然有湖有水?联中的“映心湖”引起了笔者的极大兴趣。落日时分,穿过被余晖染得漫野红遍的芦苇丛和胡杨林,笔者随三连长王玉文走近心仪已久的映心湖。眼前的湖面长宽大约都是40米,小得可怜却很精致。湖的北面一股清泉潺潺流入湖中,水珠溅在冰面上叮咚作响。岸边植满红柳,一棵棵低首无语,似乎在聆听滴水破冰的天籁之音。 “Maple Lake, the heart of the lake reflect the heart, heart; Laoyemiao, Temple Lord, grandpa is not old.” “Stationed in the Sino-Mongolian border port of Laoyemiao border of Xinjiang Military Region, a group of three officers and men are still word of mouth with both a Rough and a little mood couplet. Gobi desert even have water in the lake? ”In the“ Shadow Lake ”aroused great interest in the author. At sunset, through the reeds and Populus euphratica dyed wildly by the twilight, I went along with Wang Yunwen, a long time ago, to Yingxin Lake. In front of the lake are about 40 meters in length and width, pitiful but very delicate. A gurgling spring flows into the lake to the north of the lake, drops of water splashing on the ice buzzing. The shore is full of tamarisk, a tree low head silent, it seems to listen to dripping ice breaking sounds of nature.
目的观察二甲双胍治疗糖尿病早期心脏自主神经病变对心率变异性的影响。方法采用自律神经分析仪行心率变异性测定,选出40例合并早期心脏自主神经病变患者,二甲双胍0.5 g 每日
在丹麦住的那阵子,我们常去海边散步。丹麦是一个小小的岛国,我们住宅区的东面就是蔚蓝的大海,信步而行,总能和大海相遇。傍晚,我们经常选择捷径,径 During the time we liv
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Systemic scleroderma (SSc) is a progressivedermatosis with symmetric skin sclerosis andischemia of the fingers or toes,accompanied withlesions of the joints,mu
抗磷脂综合征(antiphospholipid syndrome,APS)是一种非炎症性自身免疫病,其最主要的病理特征为血栓形成,临床上合并脑出血少见.现将我院收治的1例APS合并脑出血患者报告如下。