
来源 :中国职业技术教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bosslon
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浙江建设职业技术学院建立基于“真实情境、仿真模拟和实物模型”的共享型校内实训基地,并创新运行机制实施开放管理。 Zhejiang Construction Vocational and Technical College establishes a shared school-based training base based on “real situation, simulation and physical model ” and innovates the operation mechanism to implement the open management.
Dams and, particulary,large dams are structures with a risk potential and impacts on the environment. The impacts not only concern the immediate project area an
一、门叶拼装用的支座——铁椅子在工地制作露顶式弧形闸门放门叶纵向剖面大样时,连同门叶拼装用的支座——铁椅子的大样一起画出(如图一)铁椅子形如靠 First, the door le
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A few texturally-zoned garnets were found in a polymict peridotite (JJG1414) from the Cretaceous kimberlite, Kimberley South Africa. The systematic analyses of
安徽省水利学会 1.为了讨论佛子岭水库连拱坝加高加固工程中新浇混凝土与坝垛原有垛墙隔墙结合成整体问题,本会施工与建材专业学组会同省水利设计院、省水利建筑安装公司、
On the basis of oceanic geological and geophysical observations the global plate tectonics theory wasput forward in the late 1960s. It inherited the essence of