强化经济督查 促进经济发展

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根据县委、县政府的意见,我们督查室分设了经济督查专项组.其工作职能是督查党和国家各项经济政策的贯彻落实和县委、县政府有关重大经济工作部署的贯彻落实,净化经济环境,解决政令畅通问题,在一年多的实践中收到了显著成效。我们的主要作法是:一、加强重点督查,根治“三乱”顽症。首先,正本清源,确定重点。坚持以党政领导机关、司法部门、行政执法部门、经济管理部门“四大块”为重点,开展“三清三查”活动:即清文件,查源头;清规定,查依据;清项目,查标准.凡不符合中央、省、市有关文件规定的坚决废除,对不完善的抓紧修订完善。共废止县有关部门乱摊派收费文件49个,修订完善31个,取消擅自越权违规收费项目57项,降低收费标准35项,估计一年可减轻社会各方面负担2000多万元.其次,专项督查,解决难点.我们将人民群众反映强烈的“三乱”问题,实行专项督查。如我们整治教育收费秩序的建议和经验还被《光明日报》、《半月谈》刊载. According to the opinions of the county Party committee and the county government, we set up a special task force for economic inspection in our inspection offices, whose job is to supervise the implementation of various economic policies of the Party and the state, implement and implement the major economic work arrangements of the county and county governments, Purifying the economic environment and solving the problem of the smooth flow of government decrees have yielded remarkable results in more than a year’s practice. Our main approach is: First, strengthen key inspections, cure “three chaos” chronic disease. First of all, the original source, set the focus. Adhere to the leading cadres of the party and government, the judiciary, administrative law enforcement departments, economic management departments “focus on the four blocks” to carry out the “three clear three checks” activities: clear documents, check the source; clear rules, check the basis; clear items, Check the standard.All those who do not comply with the provisions of the central, provincial and municipal documents resolutely repealed, pay close attention to improve and perfect. A total of abolished the county departments of disorderly distribution of faction 49 charging documents, revised and improved 31, abolished the unauthorized extra-illegal fees 57, reducing charges 35, an estimated one year to reduce all aspects of society to bear more than 20 million yuan.Secondly, To find out and solve difficult problems, we will carry out special inspections to reflect the strong “three unrest” issues of the people and the masses. For example, our suggestions and experience in remediation of educational fees and charges have also been published in Guangming Daily and Half Moon Talks.
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